No one before, and no one since, has had more fun on the Virginia Horse Trials cross country course than Mellisa Warden and her OTTB Cantilator (Delineator – Charla, by Taj Alriyadh). It was 2010 and the pair was contesting the CCI1*. Not only did they come home clear with just the tiniest sliver of time, they clearly had a blast — which was apparent to everyone within earshot!
The great Buzzterbrown captured the moment on film, commenting, “Maybe it was because the rain had just stopped, but Mellisa’s exuberant trip through the pond on Cantilator stuck out as one of my favorite rides of the day at the 2010 VHT CCI* in Lexington. Maybe it’s just because I like horses splashing through water in slo-mo high def. Maybe it’s just that Mellisa made us all laugh.”
The 2016 edition of VHT is upon us, and here’s wishing all its competitors the sort of ride that makes you want to shout from rooftops!
Go Eventing.
Virginia CCI/CIC & H.T. [Website] [Entry Status]