Forget the Battle, Win the War

Bug and I in a lesson with Bonnie Mosser this spring. Photo by Alice VanBokkelen.

I know that I have used this title before, but it just rings true with me.  It seems to most definitely be the theme for Bug and I.  It has been awhile since I have checked in, and I thought I should give everyone that cares an update.

Ever since Southern Pines, we have been dealing with Bug’s foot soreness.  He has gotten a lot better, but he is still not quite right.  In light of this, our spring schedule has been erased.  To the untrained eye, he may look sound, but I know that he isn’t 100%.  He has been enjoying his vacation by antagonizing the other horses over the fence.  We will get through this battle and move on to the next.

So, here I am with all of my plans in the can.  This seems to be a pretty common theme in our sport, and one has to learn to get out the pencil and start over.  For Bug, there is no planning until he gets sorted.  For me, I have two really cool greenies of my own to get out and about, and I have plenty of others to ride in the barn.  When your good horse is out, what do you do?  I plan to ride, ride, ride.  I’m going to use this time to get my position so rock solid that I’m ready to be even better than before when Bug is back.  What better way to get stronger than to ride squirmy babies?  If there’s one thing about babies, they teach you to get strong and tight in the saddle!

Sometimes, it can be hard not to let my mind walk down the road of sadness, but then I remember that so many have been where I am, and they all survived.  Bug will be back to fight again, and I am just so lucky and blessed to have him in my life.  He owes me nothing.  I owe him everything.  I am enjoying our relaxed time together.  There is no pressure right now.  I can stand in his stall and scratch him (which he demands and will even move around to make sure you get the right spot!) and just breath.

We will be back, and we will win the war!

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