Alympic Equestrian Breeches. Photos: Amy Nelson with Violet Columbine.
As an eventer, you’re constantly on the go, with competitions and clinics, jump grids, dressage lessons, cross country schooling … and at the end of the day all you want to do is slip into a comfy pair of jammies! May I present to you: Alympic Equestrian breeches!
I absolutely love the fit of these breeches. To me, they feel like I’m wearing pajamas. The comfort was unmatched for a long day of riding seven horses, cleaning 15 stalls, teaching several lessons, and even unloading hay (I would not recommend unloading hay in these as they are gorgeous, but surprisingly seemed to hold up without a snag!) Generally at some point towards the evening, I’m desperate to get out of my breeches and into something more comfortable … but not with Alympic!

Amy Nelson & Hummingbird’s River in Alympic Equestrian.
According to their website, these are made to “bridge the gap between everyday and competition wear.” They stress that equestrian is a sport, so you should dress like it! I would say these breeches would make a perfect addition to your clinic wardrobe. They are flattering and comfortable, and come in fun, yet classy colors that will give you just a touch of style in a clinic setting. The “violet columbine” breech is named for the deep purple Columbine flowers that grow wild in Alympic’s home state of Colorado. They are gorgeous! The ankle area has a “sock sleeve,” which is perfect for eliminating bruising from bunchy Velcro if you are a short rider (me!!), but is long enough for the taller riders too.
Best of all? The cell phone pocket. I am notorious for dropping, breaking, stepping on, and otherwise destroying my phone. It is currently being held together by a piece of duct tape from my cross country boot kit. So to my delight, the cell phone pocket kept my now fragile phone safe and secure all day, in spite attempts by my 2-year-old OTTB “Hummingbird’s THE Meatloaf” to jar it loose (he likes to stop randomly and check the arena for snacks as if he is outside on the grass). My students make fun of my nerdy fanny pack where I normally keep my phone (I can’t afford to replace this one, AGAIN), but adored the Alympic breeches with the cell phone pocket! Even schooling cross country on my prelim horse Hummingbird’s River, it stayed in place!

Amy Nelson & Hummingbird’s THE Meatloaf in Alympic Equestrian.

Amy Nelson & Hummingbird’s THE Meatloaf – Alympic Equestrian
Alympic Equestrian Breeches are a must for your holiday wish list. They are the perfect breech for warm-up days at an event, or a clinic with a top event rider. They offer luxurious colors like “Violet Columbine,” “Ponderosa Pine Cone,” “Basalt,” and “Black Lava” in breeches and jods. They even carry a white competition breech, all with antimicrobial treatment, and compression for muscle support! Alympic founder Autumn Harrier is an equestrian herself, as an amateur and later a professional, who understands the needs of a rider.
It’s time to get your clinic attire on point. In my years of riding, I have found that clinicians DO take in to account your turnout when teaching. Those who show up in neat, well-fitting attire, clean tack and horse, with a classy look, tend to get the extra attention. Because if you care about the details in turnout, a clinician will assume you care about the details in riding as well. The knee patches are grippy enough for the most demanding clinician, yet the breech is comfortable enough to audit the other groups all day long.
Check out the Alympic Equestrian website and be follow the brand on Facebook and Instagram. Use the code “EventingNation” for a discount on your order through 12 midnightEST 11/11/2018. Get that holiday wish-list started today!
Final Review
Cost: $$$
Excitement: *** 3 Stars
Durability: ** 2 Stars
Variety: *** 3 Stars

Amy Nelson & Hummingbird’s River in Alympic Equestrian.