Friday News & Notes

Photo via Ariat Equestrian FB.

Yesterday I showed two young enthusiasts how to clip the winter hair off a horse, and they were absolutely fascinated. They helped me brush the tiny hairs off the clipped horse, and swept up the tons of hair on the ground in a very fastidious manner. Then the youngest child asked me what it would be like if she was covered in fur like a horse, and her sister replied that she would be a werewolf. And I was standing there, absolutely covered in horse hair, looking like a chestnut werewolf.

Major International Events:

Les 5 Etoiles de Pau CCI5*: WebsiteEntriesStart Times & ResultsLive StreamEN’s CoverageEN’s TwitterEN’s Instagram

U.S. Weekend Preview:

Chattahoochee Hills H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times]

FEH & YEH Last Chance Qualifier and West Coast Championship: [Website] [Entry Status and Times] [Live Scores]

Grand Oaks H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times]

Holly Hill H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times]

Waredaca Classic Three-Day Event & H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status]

Windermere Run H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status and Times] [Live Scores]

News From Around the Globe:

Ariat Equestrian has teamed up with the Compton Cowboys to help more inner city youth find access to horses. The equestrian brand has been partnered with the Compton Junior Equestrians for ten years, so when the opportunity came up to partner with the Compton Cowboys for a specialized line of products, Ariat jumped at the chance. Special merchandise is available while supplies last, and you are also able to donate alongside Ariat directly to the CC. [Compton Cowboys & Ariat]

Your horse’s bodywork specialist knows more than you think. Not only do they know what kind of work your horse has been doing based on how their body is responding, but they know if you’ve been doing your groundwork, and if your horse respects you as the leader. They can tell how your tack fits (or doesn’t) and they know how you are crooked as a rider. Now, they may not share all this info, but they sure do know. [Horses Tell No Lies: 8 Observations from an Equine Body Worker]

Ready for some YEH and FEH fast facts?? On the west coast, we have 25 entries in the 4 & 5 year old YEH classes, over double last years entries. The FEH class has 18 entries, with four-year-olds, three-year-olds, two-year-olds, and yearlings all taking part. This impressive list of entrants includes prior winners and competitors retuning to the next level up after a year that was chaotic to say the least. [Fast Facts: West Coast FEH/YEH Championships]

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Ermagerd the new turf course at Fair Hill!