Timmmay! Photo courtesy of Will Coleman Equestrian.
Well, it’s basically June now, and Virginia has officially reached wake-up-at-5-a.m.-or-boil-to-death status, AKA the summer death zone. Non horse people always ask me how I survive when it’s truly terrible hot outside, and my advice is to wake up incredibly early, drink a TON of water, take electrolyte pills, and also NEVER go inside to the AC until you’re done with your day, because you’ll never ever ever want to come back out.
National Holiday: National Smile Day
Major Events:
Tattersalls: Website, Entries and Live Scores, Live Stream, EN’s Coverage, EN’s Twitter, EN’s Instagram
U.S. Weekend Preview:
Poplar Place Farm June H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Equestrians’ Institute H.T. [Website] [Entry Status/Ride Times/Live Scores]
IEA H.T. & Classic 3DE [Website] [Entry Status/Ride Times/Live Scores]
Colorado Horse Park H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Genesee Valley Riding & Driving Club Spring H.T. [Website] [Entry Status/Ride Times/Live Scores]
GMHA June H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
NJ Region H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Waredaca H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Ocala Summer I H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
News From Around the Globe:
Starting tomorrow, new SafeSport policies go into place protecting minors in our sport. The USEF has released several clarifications, this one particularly about conduct on social media. With the advent of social media, interactions between coaches and young riders has changed, and specific policies are in place to make sure everyone understands where the line is these days. Yes, you can be friends on Facebook with your young students, but you cannot have any texts or direct messages with them privately without the presence of another adult. [SafeSport MAAP Clarification for Social Media Conduct]
Poplar Place Farm is looking for volunteers this weekend! They’re hosting the Area III Championships and could use some friendly faces around the cross country as jump judges. If you are a member of Area III Young Riders OR a college eventing team, Poplar Place Farm will donate $10/hr PER VOLUNTEER to your team. You can sign up at www.eventingvolunteers.com.
Horse people love horsey things in their weddings, but what if you can’t fit an actual equine into the ceremony? Don’t you worry, there are lots of neat little ideas in this article on how to include a horsey touch in your big day, without actually inviting Clyde down the aisle. From horse stationary and horse cake toppings, to getting married in a literal barn, we’ve got your Pinterest board sorted. [Genius Horsey Wedding Ideas]
We all know the Queen of England is a long time horse lover, and has always had an interest in horse racing with her own stable of equine athletes. But how successful is she? Turns out, pretty successful over her 31-year racing career. The 534 wins she has achieved as an owner in 3,205 runs, on the flat or over jumps, have netted her £7,768,448 in winnings. Not too shabby at all. [Queen Elizabeth’s Racing Stable]
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