Alright, gang, hands up if you’re still bopping around in a delirious haze of #girlpower glee, after that serious lady takeover at Luhmuhlen last weekend? I took a break from horsey life the night before cross country (commonly known by muggles, apparently, as ‘Friday night’) to go see Beyonce and Jay-Z in concert in London, and you’d better believe I was thinking about sassy gals storming around four-stars during Who Run the World. I know that some might argue that the fixation on girlpower is a trite one, considering our sport is so fantastically progressive – as we all know, it’s only in the equestrian disciplines that Olympic athletes of any gender compete on equal terms, and women are every bit as successful as their male counterparts. But I, for one, won’t stop shouting from the rooftops about their successes – our gender equality sets an enormous precedent for the wider sporting world, and I want them to see just how tough, and talented, and capable women are. Who better to demonstrate that than fierce, feisty icons of the sport like Jonelle Price?
We’ve got another jam-packed weekend of eventing coming up in the UK, and this week, we’re excited to have teamed up with An Eventful Life, who travel around the country filming competitors’ entire cross-country rounds. We’ve included links for the competitions they’ll be at this week, so check back after your event to find your video! You’ll be able to spot forthcoming AEL events in the opening/balloting lists, too – these are marked with a cheeky little asterisk.
UK Weekend Preview:
Keysoe (2) [Website] [Ride Times] [Competitor Videos]
Skipton [Website] [Ride Times] [Competitor Videos]
Treborough Hill [Website] [Ride Times]
Farley Hall [Ride Times]
Alnwick Ford [Ride Times]
Events Opening This Weekend:
21st: Burgham – BE90-N, CIC1*, CIC2*, CIC3*, including 4/5yo classes – [Enter] Northumberland (July 27-29)
22nd: Frickley Park – BE80-CCI1* – [Enter] South Yorkshire (July 27-29)
22nd: Chilham Castle (2) – BE80-N, CIC1*, including 4/5yo classes – [Enter] Kent (July 28-29)*
22nd: Calmsden – BE80-BE100 – [Enter] Gloucestershire (July 28-29)
23rd: Wilton – BE100-I – [Enter] Wiltshire (July 28-29)
23rd: Cholmondeley Castle – BE90-I – [Enter] Cheshire (July 28-29)*
Events Balloting This Weekend:
22nd: Stafford (2) – BE80-BE100, including 4/5yo classes – [Enter] Staffordshire (July 13-15)
22nd: Forgandenny (2) – BE80-N – [Enter] Perthshire, Scotland (July 14-15)
23rd: Northallerton (2) – BE80-BE105 – [Enter] North Yorkshire (July 14-15)
Flashback Friday Video: Team USA Shows Houghton Who’s Boss
Speaking of girlpower, we’re all still revelling in the amazing performances the Team USA girls put in at Houghton International last month to scoop second place in the Nations Cup, despite fielding just a three person team. One of those rounds was delivered by the formidable Caroline Martin, who fairly flew around the testing track on Danger Mouse to help secure the podium position. Check out how they did it, courtesy of An Eventful Life:
Whether you’re in the saddle or on the sidelines this weekend, Go Eventing!