Friday Video from World Equestrian Brands: The Centennial Aiken Horse Show

Nestled deep within Hitchcock Woods, Aiken’s crown jewel 2,100 urban forest, exists what may be the most charming horse show in the world. 

For most of the year, its venue feels like a secret — shrouded in green and hidden away from view. But it comes alive with the re-emergence of spring each year via the annual Aiken Horse Show, which celebrated its 100th anniversary April 1-6 this year.

Marion de Vogel was on site with camera in hand, and she kindly sent us this video to share.

The Centennial Aiken Horse Show from Marion Latta de Vogel on Vimeo.

From Marion: “One of just a few old-fashioned hunter shows left in the country, the Aiken Horse Show recalls an earlier time. Modern horse shows have become professional affairs, usually taking place on rings with sand and synthetic footing where the horses jump brightly painted obstacles. Shows such as the Aiken Horse Show, where horses compete on the grass and jump over natural fences are few and far between. The Aiken show was on of the inspirations behind the creation of the Hunter Derby division in recognized shows, one of the most popular horse show innovations of the 21st century.”

Many thanks to Marion, and may the Aiken Horse live to see another 100 years!