From the ‘It Has A Horse On It So You’ll Love It’ Files

I’ll admit it. I watch a ton more television in the winter time. When it’s too cold or too dark to ride, I often find myself curled up in a blanket in front of the television. Netflix is arguably one of the greatest inventions of the last decade and has made binging on series during winter that much easier. On top of that, we’re starting to see some straight-to-Netflix series that are actually pretty good (“Orange Is The New Black,” anyone?).

One of the upcoming straight-to-Netflix series is “BoJack Horseman,” an animated series featuring a talking horse. Your well-meaning officemates or husband will probably start trying to make you watch it because, you know, it has a horse on it. Seriously, three people have already told me about this show, and it’s not even out until the middle of 2014.

Will Arnett lends his voice to the titular equine who is a former television star that is down on his luck and trying to find his way back to the big time. The series also boasts a sidekick voiced by Aaron Paul of “Breaking Bad” fame. I’m seriously at a loss for what to expect other than that I’ll watch it at least once or twice if only for the fact that BoJack is a very fancy bay, and I’m a sucker for anything Aaron Paul is involved with.

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