From the PRO Blog: US Training Sessions in the UK

Clark Montgomery and Universe. Photo by Jenni Autry. Clark Montgomery and Universe. Photo by Jenni Autry.

Samantha Clark has posted a wonderful article on the Professional Riders Organization blog.  Coach David O’Connor spent a few days working with British-based American riders Tiana Coudray (Ringwood Magister), Liz Halliday (Fernhill By Night and HHS Cooley), and Clark Montgomery (Universe and Loughan Glen).  Samantha was on hand to get some great quotes from the riders and David himself.  Be sure to check out the full article, with her always great photos!

From Samantha’s PRO blog:

Despite having to break out his duvet three-quarter length coat due to the cold, damp and inhospitable weather David was on his customary great form – it’s an inspiration to watch and listen to him teach, something it’s clear he’s passionate about, “I love doing it and I’m fascinated by it. I’m fascinated by horses in general – how they move, how they do things, and then I think from a teaching point of view you’re always wondering how to best get your point across, and I’ve always tried to put things in categories so that the riders can judge it themselves – the first thing is to notice, the next thing is to do something about it and the third thing is you get an answer.  You’re always trying to break it down in such a way that riders notice where they are and what they’re doing, and riders at this level certainly really fix it themselves. I’m always thinking realistically that there are steps on a road, and this is where you are:  you notice where you are and then you have to explain the steps to take to get to a point.”

Read full article.

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