Photo via Michael Jung’s instagram.
Many congratulations are due for Michael Jung and Faye Füllgraebe. Michael proposed last week and now there’s wedding bells for the happy couple. In a year as crazy as this one has been, we are thrilled for every bit of good news in our sport. Congratulations Michael and Faye!
Don’t forget today is also Giving Tuesday. If you can, share the love with an equestrian charity close to your heart today!
National Holiday: National Pie Day
Events Opening This Week: Horse Trials at Majestic Oaks
Tuesday News:
Chris Ryan reminds us all why Thoroughbreds rein supreme in this latest OTTB critique. [Conformation Critique with Chris Ryan: Luprian]
I truly believe that if you can ride a naughty pony, then you can ride anything. They literally wake up every morning and chose violence, and with that narrow frame, all that separates you from the ground is whatever mercy that pony is willing to show you. [A Tribute To My First Grumpy Pony]
The Tokyo Games Organizers have decided that this pandemic won’t push the Olympics back another year. They’re shelling out $960 million on COVID-19 countermeasures in preparation. Much of this will include setting up additional infrastructure, including a testing center. [Tokyo 2020 to spend $960 million on COVID-19 countermeasures as part of additional costs]
International horse sport was busy last month as the final few competitions continued trickling in. FEI looks back on the last 30 days. [Looking back on… November 2020]
Tuesday Video: We meet one of the most important members of Team Fox-Pitt Eventing, the veterinarian.