Today, we celebrate the birthday and subsequent life achievements of EN’s fearless leader, Jenni Autry.
It is a time-honored Nation Media tradition to celebrate coworkers’ birthdays by (1) giving them the day off, then (2) Facebook stalking them in search of mortifying personal photos with which to share with thousands of readers. It’s a sick world, we’re sick people, what can you do.
Facebook stalking Jenni is neither an easy nor pleasant task. If you’re friends with her, you know that she mostly posts photos of her horses’ latest horrifying flesh wounds and her cats. Also, in case you haven’t picked up on this, Jenni is a workaholic who spends most of her time typing frantically into a computer, which makes finding photos of her engaging in “real people” activities especially difficult. Luckily, I’m an award-winning investigative journalist — here are the most scandalous photos I could dig up:
OK, that was pretty tame. Maybe try harder to be scandalous next year, Jenni. As for today, all of us out here in the Eventing Nation are wishing you a very happy birthday!!!