‘Tis the season to have absolutely no idea what to get any of your friends or family, for the umpteenth year in a row. Every once in a while you find the perfect present, but especially for horsey friends, the pressure is on. Obviously you’ll be purchasing something horse-related, but does it have to be pink and have a fat pony on it? We here at Eventing Nation say NAY! That’s why this holiday season each one of our impressive staff writers is picking one unique, amazing, thoughtful and clever horsey gift to help you along during this time of stress. Happy holidays!
Do you have a barn buddy who is a total tech geek with a love of her iPhone, spreadsheets and statistics? Maybe you know a newer eventer who is still struggling to figure out how fast 350 meters per minute really feels. Perhaps you’ve got a barn buddy who is impossible to shop for because she already has it all. If this sounds like you or your friends, I’ve got the perfect holiday gift for you.
Compete Easy Inc. is the developer behind the amazing iOS app SpeedCheck. SpeedCheck is one of my favorite apps because it has really taken the guess work out of figuring out how fast a certain speed feels. There are a lot of apps out there that record your speed and distance, but SpeedCheck has been specifically designed for equestrian use.
The app has a lot of very cool features, including audible alerts that you can set to trigger based on actual speed, average speed, or a “window” where the phone will beep to let you know if you’ve gone below or above a certain speed. SpeedCheck also allows you to record your rides for later analysis, as well as post them to Facebook or Twitter. All in all, it’s a very cool app that takes the guesswork out of pace and can be used to compliment your current training program.
Priced at $11.99, SpeedCheck is available thru the App Store. Currently, SpeedCheck is only available for iOS, and there is no word when it might be available for Android, so your recipient will need to own an iPhone. Just follow the steps from this article to send SpeedCheck or any item from the iTunes Store to your friend as a gift! With just a few quick taps or clicks you’ve sent off a fantastic gift to your friends, quite possibly without even getting out of your pajamas. How’s that for awesome? Happy Holidays!