Jennie Brannigan blogs about Phillip and Bobby

First Boyd and now Jennie have voiced their disappointment that Phillip and Bobby did not make the short list.  When we linked to Boyd’s blog we noted for perspective’s sake that he has close ties to Phillip, and it is worth noting that Jennie has even closer ties to Phillip, but she makes some good points.  Here is an excerpt from Jennie’s blog for the Chronicle, and click the link below to read the full blog: 

I must say that I am completely shocked that someone who already coaches many of the riders on the A list, B list and Developing Riders list didn’t get the chance to voice his goals and plan for returning this country to one that wins medals…

But since when do our opinions not matter? I have called rider reps. To be honest, they sounded like they already have their minds made up. I feel as though the one group of people who should have the most input in who is going to run our future is the group that gets heard the least. If that’s not true, then why would you leave off the partnership of Bobby and Phillip who already have the respect of not only the top level riders in our country but the FUTURE riders as well? Can anyone deny that Phillip’s program has produced top-level horses and riders for the past 10 years? His program obviously works. NO ONE can deny that.

I am shocked that we as a country would not be striving to build a program as consistent as his or at least hear what he and Bobby’s plans would be…” [Jennie’s blog]

Go eventing.

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