We love a good Swiss Army knife type of horse, and Doug Payne’s six-year-old Oldenburg stallion, Quiberon (Quite Easy – Avalon, by A Fine Romance), is one that fits the mold. Quiberon, or “Harry” around the barn, was bred by Elizabeth Callahan and Robert Drysdale’s Cool Na Grena (CNG) Sporthorses in Oxford, Md. and has been produced by Doug from the lower levels of eventing on. Now, Quiberon not only competes as an event horse — he competed at the 2021 USEA American Eventing Championships in the Preliminary Horse division — he also dabbles in the jumpers as well as international hunter derbies.
This weekend, Quiberon finished 12th in his second derby, the $25,000 Tryon International Hunter Derby. The pair also competed int he 6-year-old Young Jumper division at Tryon. Talk about multi-talented!
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