Logan Rawlings, originally from California, represented one of a handful of North American riders competing at Mondial du Lion this past weekend. Logan and Marine Vincendeau & Anthony Molle’s S’Prit Coeur Volant had a very solid outing at this Young Event Horse Championship in the CCI**. The pair added just a handful of time penalties on cross country and a rail in show jumping to their dressage score to finish in 14th place out of a field of 47 competitive pairs.
Logan relocated to the UK in 2009 after having secured a spot working for eventing extraordinaire William Fox Pitt (how on Earth do you score that gig??) and has a had a successful career thus far competing on the British Eventing circuit. She was also completed the Olympic Test Event at Greenwich Park in 2011 at the selection of the USEF.
I did some digging on the internet and found this interview that talkinghorse.net did with Logan shortly after she relocated to the UK. Enjoy getting to know one of our fellow eventers who continues to represent the US from across the pond! Big thank you to Jessica Fredericks for the tip.