I’ve already received several responses for the lower-level event rider profiles. To save me some repetitive emails, I would like to ask readers to kindly fill out the questionnaire below. If you would like to be featured, please copy/paste it into an email and send it to [email protected].
Your Name: (first is sufficient)
Email: (will not be published, just a way I can contact you)
Primary horse’s name:
Age, breed, pertinent info:
Level currently competing:
Short term goals this spring/summer:
Year-end goals:
Overall goals?
What’s the best thing you’ve learned recently? Any big epiphany or light-bulb moment? What are your strengths/weaknesses?
Favorite eventing moment/story? (can be anything, something you did, felt, witnessed, realized…?)
Link to blog or website, if applicable:
Photo(s) or videos: Links or attachments are acceptable. Please no Facebook links that require sign-in to view.
Thanks for your participation.
UPDATE 3/3/10 12:45pm
The emails I have received so far are excellent! Good stories, admirable goals, and great learning moments. Keep them coming!