Mark Todd’s Tuesday News from Pennfield


Good morning Eventing Nation!

It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not planning on getting fit for the new year or scamming on how to get my horse and I to Aiken. I’m worried about which side of Santa’s list I’m on! Thankfully, Santa’s on the interwebosphere and made this handy questionnaire. I’m on the nice list (duh) and so is Visionaire. Coren and John were not so lucky. What about you, Eventing Nation? Are you naughty or nice?

Mark Todd has been nominated for New Zealand’s Sportsman of the Year Award. The full list hasn’t yet been released, and it’s still open to those athletes that might make great achievements yet this month. So far there seem to be 12 names in total. Todd was nominated after he won Badminton. It’s obvious to us he should win. [Horsetalk]

Jacqueline Mars received the PRO As You Like It Owner’s Award. We posted about this several days ago from the USEA, but I feel she deserves to be recognized again. Mrs. Mars has contributed more to eventing than most of us will know, and for that, we THANK YOU. [COTH]

It seems that Area V is where it’s at these days! They are hosting a Sinead Halpin clinic December 17-18 in Midland, Texas. I know I wish I could go and ride, or at least go and audit. [Area V]

Jennie Brannigan took a vacation to a horse show in Wellington. She blogs about wanting to spend “more than a week or two” refocusing solely on show jumping, and possibly even for “an extended period of time”. Her trip to Wellington was a success especially since she got to catch up with an old friend. She’s refreshed and ready to start competing again. Although, I can’t seem to figure out why a horse show in Wellington isn’t a vacation. Sounds fun! [Jennie’s blog]

Doug Payne wrote a Thank You and Wrap up blog. He names each owner and sponsor that’s supported him in 2011. He had a great 2011, but is feeling very excited for 2012, especially with a new truck! The event horses are coming back into work, but the jumpers just cleaned up at a show. Of course there’s video! [Doug’s blog]

Don’t forget about the Christmas contest from Point Two!

Jimmy Wofford tells you how to ride up and down banks. If you friend me on Facebook, I will stalk you and find your videos. 🙂 But, I can’t remember who I stole this from. Please let us know. This is great!

And the Pennfield contest!!!

After Amber Kimball began feeding her mount Pennfield, she noticed a change. A horse who was once a bit high strung was suddenly changed. He was sane. He was FOCUSED. When Pennfield heard Amber’s story, they decided to launch a new ad campaign- a contest to find the “word” of each Pennfield fan. Amber’s word was FOCUSED. What’s yours?…..

The contest, to run through early 2012, will gather entries at both and on Pennfield Equine Feed Technologies’ Facebook page. Respondents are invited to sum up their own personal Pennfield difference in one word, and then write their story. The best entries will win a year’s worth of feed (one ton) for one horse, plus a professional photo shoot and the chance to be featured in a 2012 ad for Pennfield.

That’s all for now! Go eventing.


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