French 5* and World Championships rider Maxime Livio has announced a temporary break from sport and competition, emphasizing that it’s not a retirement, but rather an opportunity to step back from the intensity entailed with being a high-performance rider and engage in other projects freely.
“At the end of the season 2024, there’s still a month of competition left; I will be hanging up my boots a little bit,” Maxime announced in a video released this week. “It’s not a retirement, it’s a break. The idea is to take a bit of distance from the intensity of life as a high level rider and have some time to dedicate myself to many other projects that are currently happening at the stables. And to ask myself the right questions about how I want to continue.”
C’est le moment de vous annoncer une décision arrivée à maturité.
🔜 Plus de précisions dans le prochain numéro de Grand Prix.
Ecurie Livio
Equiwell Lambey SA Ohlala Sellerie Carrosserie Paillard Tacante Emilie Aulbach Masseur Équin et Canin Alogo Analysis Cavalassur Cheval Liberté Horse Pilot Antarès Sellier Freejump Dixit EnergiePosted by Maxime Livio Athlète on Monday, November 11, 2024
“I don’t have a clear idea of how long the break will last,” Maxime continued. “For me this is definitely not the end of an era, rather, it’s the start. The luxury of having time, regaining the freedom of speech and action that will allow me to move foward to share a lot of thoughts I have about the sport, animal welfare and ecology…it’s very exciting for me to get involved in all these areas.”
Maxime has indicated he will share more about the new projects he is working on, as well as happenings as his home base which plays host to multiple riders for training and competition prep, in the coming months.