Greetings Eventing Nation. While most sports fans are bemoaning the end of the football season and feeling like March Madness can’t get here soon enough, eventing fans have plenty of action to follow. This weekend kicked off the season for many horse and rider combinations. Some of these pairs were trying to show off their new-found skills from hours of winter dressage schooling, some were having a last prep run before moving up in a couple weeks, and a few were starting off a season that well could end up with standing on the podium in London.
Ocala Horse Trials [Scores] [Website]
Pine Top Horse Trials [Scores] [Website]
Down in Georgia, Pine Top happened. And possibly the most exciting part (well for me) was seeing Courageous Comet not only back in action, but winning the OI-3. Boyd Martin was looking good with a win in OI-2 and Becky took the top spot in OI-1 with her up and coming star, Can’t Fire Me. Looking at the prelim, Stephen Bradley and Leyland took home the blue in OP-2 while Will Faudree took section 1. Jennifer Simmons also had a good weekend winning the PH and OT-2.
Heading a little further south to Florida, Caroline Martin had an impressive win in the IR sections at Ocala. I’d say 12 points in the lead is a weekend well done. In OI-A, Heather Morris and First Mark just squeaked the lead from Karen and Mr. Medicott. And Clark Montgomery and Kadi Eykamp took the wins in sections B and C respectively. Several riders withdrew before XC including OI-C leader, Michelle Mueller and Amistad.
Victoria New and Fleeceworks Mystere du Val took the blue in the JYOP with Mackenzie Spaes following .4 behind. After a tragic week, Lauren Kieffer came home with a win on Lucky Devil in OP-A.
And a special congratulations to my good friend, Justine Dutton, for her first and third finishes in the PR section.
Please be sure to check out the scores to see how all your favorite riders did over the weekend!
Florida. Land of fun, sun, non-existent state income taxes, and of course Mickey and Minnie. Unfortunately it is also the land of retirees travelling 15 mph below the speed limit and the tangentially related problem of flesh eating nastiness. Lauren Sprieser gives her tips for dealing with at least one of these problems. [Lauren]
Celebrate eventing with the sport’s resident rock star at a benefit for the Hitchcock Woods Foundation. [Boyd Martin]
The fact that Claire Lomas, paralyzed five years ago in a horse riding accident, plans to run a marathon with robot legs makes her amazing. The fact that she compares the robot legs to the “wrong trousers” from Wallace and Gromit makes her my hero. Video footage of the wrong trousers in action? Of course. [Claire]
Great photos by Beth Harpham from the Bettina Hoy clinic and early training sessions. Check it out. [Aiken]
Equestrian sports psychologist, Charlie Unwin, asks, “If 60 seconds of focused thought could dramatically improve your dressage mark or showjumping round, would you try it?” Learn more, improve your scores, and maybe you will become Edward Gal. [60 seconds]
Be careful of an emerging scam in England. Sad story of horses that have been loaned out sold to slaughter. Careful who you lease your horse to. [Sadness]
In case you spent the weekend crash landed on a deserted beach, Whitney Houston passed away on Saturday. The barnmice have a tribute reminding us of her and her incredible voice. [I Will Always Love You]
Attention to the half dozen guys that event: trying to convince your better half that you have a sensitive side? No worries, Nicholas Sparks has you covered. [Dear John]
Where is The Carrot’s commentary when you really need it? Financial woes of the 2010 WEG. [EK]
The always classy Emily Beshear has a quick early season update. I’ve said it a million times, but I love the way Emily explains her process and follows through with her plans. There are few people who are as detail oriented. So many are quick to jump to just “getting it done,” but not Emily. She puts the work in, and down the road, her results always represent her hard, dedicated training. [Go Emily]
McKenna, commentator extraordinaire, writes about riding horses in Alaska. [HN]
58 videos from Ocala. And there is a play all button. Better practice your reflex time on clicking that minimize button. [Don’t get caught]
Because I’m obsessed with his riding…