(1) Sinead has posted another update on Rebecca’s health:
“So Rebec seems to be in pretty good spirits( prob bc she got her cell phone and an epidural .. i dont know which one she likes more!!).. She is still in ICU but will hopefully be moved tomorrow to another room for a few more days. Conversation this morning was involving the question of surgery but she seems to be doing well so they gave her an epidural to help with pain management and she is really working on her breathing to help with the punctured lung…” Read more, EN Pine Top coverage, first Rebecca update
(2) I should have mentioned this earlier, but Karen is back in Florida and doing fine. I will be interested to see where Mandiba goes next, but it’s going to take more than a concussion to stop that pair.
The Next Step: Invariably, when accidents happen, people want to know exactly why they happened, what is responsible, and who can be blamed. The problem is that the difference between a picture-perfect jump and a catastrophic fall is a matter of centimeters in jump height, a split-second in timing, or a tiny lack of balance. When we leave the start box, we ultimately assume responsibility for the consequences to ourselves and our horses, and we implicitly accept the risk that very rarely (hopefully very very rarely) we might end up a centimeter too low.
Norther Spy jumping the intermediate equivalent of the advanced gate involved in Rebecca’s fall.
Was it uncharacteristic to start the advanced at 4:00 PM? Yes
Was the advanced gate a tough technical challenge late on a course early in the season? Sure
Was it strange that the injuries included a high proportion of veteran, team contending, riders? Yes
Can any one factor be isolated as the cause of any fall? Definitely not
If you have seen the outpouring of prayers and support for the injured riders this weekend, you are reminded of why we all love eventing. Of course we love horses, but so do dressage riders. Of course we love jumping, but so do show jumpers. We are eventers because we love being part of the community of eventers.
Hands down, eventing has the strongest, most supportive, and most loyal community of any sport on the planet. This incredible bond among eventers makes our sport so wonderful, and, at the same time, these times of injury so unbearable. As always, eventing will move beyond this dark moment, and we will be left with a reminder of our vulnerability and the reality of an even stronger community. Go eventing.