Monday Video: Remix Your Monday with @evangrooms

I hate to say it, but I think I’m old enough now that social media has gotten away from me a bit. I’ve got Facebook down pat, never been much for Twitter, I’m not on TikTok at all, and I miss the good ‘ol days of Instagram where there were no suggested or sponsored posts. That said, I admire those who’ve been able to adapt and embrace the changing social media landscape. Even if I’ll never make a “Reel” myself, I can still appreciate a creative one that makes me chuckle.

One such Instagram user who has been killing the Reels game lately is Evan Donadt, a formerly non-horsey, but still supportive husband to dressage rider Ashley Donadt. However, when COVID hit and Evan was laid off from his market research job he came to the dark side and began grooming for Ashley’s dressage business full time.

Evan also started an Instagram handle @evangrooms and two years later dare we he’s reached equestrian influencer status with his hysterical videos. Lately, he’s been “remixing” some non-horsey videos and putting a funny equestrian twist on them. We’re sharing a few favorite below —  check them out and give yourself a good chuckle this Monday!