Need to Know Wednesday

Swamp FeverBritish Horse Industry Faces Another Potential Epidemic, Horseowners Asked Not to Panic: Swamp fever, a contagious and deadly fever for horses that cannot spread to humans, has been found in two Wiltshire horses.  Fortunately, “Defra does not think the risk of spread is high.”  On the other hand, this is what governments would say even if horse owners should be panicking.  The close proximity of horses in England is a blessing when traveling to coaching and competitions, but a curse in the event of a disease.  We are starting to develop some consistent readers in the UK, and we will keep everyone informed of the situation.  BBC, Swamp Fever Fact Sheet, Wikipedia

*Major Props to Earle I. Mack: Racehorse owner charters planes and flies medicine and doctors to Haiti at personal expense
FEI’s New Clean Sport Website: Well put together and pretty informative
Rolex Prep: Kelly Prather, Hawley Bennett also Hawley to Carry 2010 Olympic Torch.  Thanks to EventingUSA for finding the featured rider posts first

New BE Rules: More stringent, but also accommodate equine professionals
*Who is Liable?: Advice from a KY lawyer to farm owners
Rachel Alexandra Beats Zenyatta in Horse Race for Horse of the Year: Now, if we could only see them race in real life…

With a sad theme today of horses in trouble, here is an incredible video of a horse rescue. Thanks to KM for sending it to us:

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