Penny Rowland and Roundabout won the indoor eventing at the Canadian Royal Winter Fair after winning day one and finishing 2nd in day two’s competition. Oliver Townend had a rough day two, finishing in last place. Scroll down for video from day one. Recap, Results
News of the Weird: Is it bad that there is almost more news of the weird than normal horse news?
-NYPD Horse “Mr. Biggs” Bites Woman: According to the police report, the suspect yelled “don’t tase me, bro!” so Mr. Biggs bit her. I can’t wait for that episode of Cops.
-Mongolian Folk Remedy for Swine Flu: Eat horse
Finally, happy Veterans Day. Thanks to all the men and women who serve our great country. Sometimes, as riders, it’s easy for us to get caught up in Eventing and forget about the World around us. Please visit or call a veteran you know and tell them what their service means to you.