Nominate a Groom at Morven Park for EN’s Achieve Equine #Supergroom Award

It’s time for another round of our Achieve Equine #Supergroom Award! This time, we’re hitting the road to give out some in-person awards, one at Morven Park this weekend and others at the MARS Maryland 5 Star next weekend. Stay tuned for the nomination form for Maryland 5 Star grooms, as well our upcoming winter #supergroom Award that will be open to all grooms.

For now, we’d appreciate if you took a moment to nominate a hardworking groom who is working at Morven Park Fall International this weekend for one of two #Supergroom backpacks with a few surprises inside. Nominations will close on Friday, October 11, and we’ll contact the winners to get them their prizes over the weekend at Morven Park.

To nominate a #Supergroom, click here or use the form embedded below. Good luck to all, and Go Eventing!

Morven Park Fall International & H.T. (VA): [Website] [Entries] [Schedule] [YouTube Channel] [USEF Network] [Volunteer] [Scoring]

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