Nominate a Maryland 5 Star Groom for EN’s Achieve Equine #Supergroom Superlatives

It’s time to recognize some more hardworking grooms working at the MARS Maryland 5 Star this week! We’ve opened up nominations for our Achieve Equine #Supergroom Superlative Awards, which feature four categories that most grooms probably fit into. Now we need your help! Nominate a groom working at Maryland 5 Star (in any division) this weekend using the form embedded below or linked here.

This week, we’ve got four Superlative categories for our grooms:

The Tetris Champion – This #supergroom is particularly adept at packing tack trunks and/or trailers for events!

The Emotional Support Groom – We all know a #supergroom that’s part groom, part emotional support human for their horses and humans!

The Eagle Eye – A #supergroom who misses no detail and leaves no stone unturned on their watch.

Now, get to nominating! We’ll select our winners toward the end of this week and distribute prizes over the weekend. The nomination form will close on Thursday, October 17 to allow us enough time to give out the prizes around the groom’s schedules.

Remember, this form is ONLY for grooms working at Maryland 5 Star this week. Stay tuned for our open nomination award coming later this fall!


Congratulations to our 2024 Maryland 5 Star #Supergroom winners!!

Rosie Thomas — The Eagle Eye

Lisa Barry — The Tetris Champion

The Emotional Support Groom — Meredith Wright

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