Pin it Like This to Win Dubarrys: The Will Coleman Edition


Hayley Harwell’s Polyvore Pins

“There’s no better accessory than Will Coleman as your date!” writes today’s featured poster, Hayley Harwell. Does your version of Cinderella include Will Coleman slipping a perfectly fitted Dubarry boot onto your foot? We can help you with some of that fantasy. Not, alas, the Will Coleman part. But pin an outfit like Hayley did and you could win a pair of Dubarrys.

Share the ultimate ensemble this week for a shot at a pair of Roscommon and Kerry boots.

For those of you that can, tear your eyes from Will’s dashing image for a bit and check out the rest of Hayley’s choices. She wisely grabbed a pair of cozy Dubarry Donegals and a snuggly Dubarry Kirwan alpaca-cotton sweater to keep her toasty in the early morning while waiting for riders at the Head of the Lake. And she strategically chose the Bracken tweed utility jacket. Yes, it’s Teflon-coated wool. No, it’s not so warm that it prevents you from huddling close with Will as the riders splash by. Clever, eh?

We also love Hayley’s choice of headwear. Why not rock the derby hats on cross-country day?

Accessorize yourself with a 4-Star Prince (or Princess) Charming of your choice and at least three pieces of Dubarry finery and pin it with the tag #PinYourDubes14. Follow Dubarry on Pinterest. Submit your pin with this form.

Check out the official rules and pin your Perfect Rolex Outfit by mid-day Friday, April 18th.

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