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Shara Rutberg


About Shara Rutberg

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Great Quotes from Premier Equine Insurance

You’re never fully dressed without a grab strap.

California eventer Katie Murphy builds a good case for the importance of such accessories with her 7-year-old Oldenburg mare, Caera, who demonstrates the importance of elevation in case of trolls.

“We managed to stay united on landing, but I sure was grateful for my grab strap,” she wrote in a note included with the photo she sent to Horse Nation.

Premier Great Quote Banner

VOTE: Who Will Become EN’s Most Famous Fan?

Trucker tat! Noell Silvertsen-Edgell's flags lasted through Rolex, around the Prelim course at Penny Oaks and through the trip home with navigator Lou. Trucker tat! Noell Silvertsen-Edgell's flags lasted through Rolex, around the Prelim course at Penny Oaks and through the trip home with navigator Lou.

Sam Griffiths and Paulank Brockagh.

William Fox Pitt and Bay My Hero.


Who should take their place among the great ones and grace the homepage of Eventing Nation? We handed out EN tattoos (and hats, and socks and beer) at the Tredstep Ireland Insanity in the Middle Rolex Tailgate and challenged you to Show Us Your Flags for a shot at fame. It’s time to vote for your favorite.

The winner will soon have something in common with Mary King. And even if it’s the only thing they’ll ever have in common with Mary, it’s still cool. A profile of you and your horse on Eventing Nation is priceless!

Merida Miller rocks boots, tatt & hat

Merida Miller rocks boots, tat and hat.

Alayne Edwards

Alayne Edwards

Alayne’s bestie Tori Myers sent in the above shot of Alayne Edwards. Those serious guns come from competing at Prelim, being a captain in the Canadian Forces and two-armed Bud curls, not necessarily in that order.

Peter Arndt with Rolex logo, lanyard, look of eagles - and flags

Peter Arndt with Rolex logo, lanyard, look of eagles and flags.

Five-year-old fan Sarah Kate Kangas with flags and a sweet pony shirt by Fence 5.

Five-year-old fan Sarah Kate Kangas with flags and a sweet pony shirt by fence 5.

Katrina Zimmer & friends at the tailgate

Katrina Zimmer and friends at the tailgate.

 Kristin Leason and two sure signs of greatness: EN flags, EN chinch

Kristin Leason and two sure signs of greatness: EN flags and Chinch.

Anna Smith did her first Rolex in style with mom, Stacy

Anna Smith did her first Rolex in style with flags and mom Stacy.

Helen Brew getting air off the Dueling Tree

Helen Brew getting air off the Dueling Tree. It’s tricky to see the flags in action, so she sent further proof …

...complete with Rolex rider in the background.

… complete with Rolex rider in the background.

Vote for your favorite:

Voting closes Friday, May 16 at 5 p.m. EST.

Erin Go Irish: Breeding a Badminton Winner

Sam Griffiths and Paulank Brockagh at Badminton. Photo by Jenni Autry. Sam Griffiths and Paulank Brockagh at Badminton. Photo by Jenni Autry.

Erin Go Irish highlights the success of Irish-bred horses and ponies in eventing. Michael Doherty of Irish Horse Gateway discusses what makes Irish horses so competitive in our sport. This week, Michael takes a look at Badminton winner Paulank Brockagh. Last time, he wrote about Irish Sport Horses heading to Badminton to compete.

Sam Griffiths and Paulank Brockagh. Photo by Jenni Autry.

Sam Griffiths and Paulank Brockagh. Photo by Jenni Autry.

From Michael:

A dramatic Badminton Horse Trials saw the Irish Sport Horse Paulank Brockagh become the fourth mare in history to win the CCI4* event. This was Paulank Brockagh’s first international win and what a competition to start with!

Following the win, breeders of Paulank Brockagh, Frank and Paula Cullen told Horse Sport Ireland: “We are absolutely thrilled. It was an epic three-day event filled with drama and top class international riders. For Brockagh and Sam Griffiths to come out on top is a dream come true. Paulank Brockagh is an amazing mare, so clever and brave and such a consistent performer – since her first intro as a four year old, she has had a clean record cross-country: quite an achievement over eight seasons.”

The 11 year-old began her international career under the guidance of Ireland’s Heidi Hamilton. 2010 saw Paulank Brockagh’s first outing with Sam Griffiths. The then seven-year-old represented the Irish Sport Horse studbook at Le Lion d’Angers CCI2* finishing in an impressive third place. Badminton 2013 was to be the first CCI4* run for Paulank Brockagh with the 2014 event being only her third attempt at that level.

Sam Griffiths and Paulank Brockagh. Photo courtesy of Nico Morgan Photography.

Sam Griffiths and Paulank Brockagh. Photo courtesy of Nico Morgan Photography.

“Her success at Badminton could not have happened without the professional help of a few people whom we would like to thank,” said the Cullens. “Firstly, Brendan Doyle from Enniscorthy who broke her; Susan McDonald who introduced her to hounds; Joseph Murphy who won the FEHL four-year-old HSI trophy for the highest placed mare. Darryl Walker who showjumped her off-season under the guidance of Fiona Carew, competed in the five –year-old FEHL (Future Event Horse League) where she was again the highest placed mare. Her six-year-old season was spent with Heidi Hamilton who competed her at one star. Again, she was the top mare that year.”

The damline of Paulank Brockagh is no stranger to international success. Through the mare Gortnageer Star, by Chair Lift, the iconic chestnut international showjumper Carling King was produced.

Paulank Brockagh’s dam, the 1991 Triggerero (TB) mare Calendar Girl, already boasts 14 offspring registered in the Irish Sport Horse Studbook.

“Calendar Girl has been a consistent breeder with her oldest progeny now 20 years old,” the Wicklow-based breeders said. “Paulank Kimble by Cruising was her first foal and she was exported to Italy in foal to Zero Watt as a three-year-old. She jumped to international level before retiring. We had the opportunity to buy her back and she now has two foals by the recently deceased Clover Brigade. Her foal by Zero Watt was placed third in the Italian National show jumping championships as a four-year-old.”

Speaking after the Badminton victory, Sam Griffiths said: “I thought if I did well in the cross-country, I’d move up, but I had no expectation of being on top of the podium. She jumped beautifully and to my surprise, here I am.”

“She’s one tough nut,” said Sam, who bought the mare in 2010 from her breeder, Paula Cullen, who had evented her up to Novice level in Ireland. “She’s so careful and tries her hardest. She’s got a massive heart,” he added.

The Irish Sport Horse Studbook received a further boost with Harry Meade (GBR) and Wild Lone (ISH) taking third and Paul Tapner (AUS) with Kilronan (ISH) finishing in fourth place.

Check out this look at the Irish horses and riders (and a shout out to EN sponsors Dubarry and HN sponsor Horseware!) in this video from our friends at Irish Horse TV.

The Irish Horse Gateway connects buyers to sellers of Irish horses and ponies, promoting the Irish horse and pony around the world through a portal that offers sale horses, information about the breeds and travel to Ireland. All registered sellers on the Irish Horse Gateway have signed a code of conduct which gives prospective buyers increased confidence. The site was launched last year by Horse Sport Ireland, the Emerald Isle’s official equine organization. Visit for further details. 

Irish Horse Gateway Banner

Great Quotes from Premier Equine Insurance

Calmness is just a bit of what riders will need this weekend to get around Giuseppe Della Chiesa’s Badminton cross country course. Check out the course video, including The Outlander Bank, “an owl hole bounce over an Irish step with a little directional brush to always keep everybody on their toes,” according to Badminton’s course guide.

Premier Great Quote Banner

Show Us Your EN Tattoo and WIN!

Show us your EN pride! Photo courtesy of Michelle Dunn. Show us your EN pride! Photo courtesy of Michelle Dunn.

Did you snap a photo of yourself wearing one of the EN tattoos we passed out at the Insanity in the Middle Tailgate Presented by Tredstep Ireland at Rolex? Then you’re eligible for our most elusive and  sought after prize ever … FAME!

(Did you think we were giving away a $10,000 training grant? We’d like to.*)

The winner of this contest will get the Eventing Nation treatment: a deluxe front page story about you and your horse.  Join the ranks of eventing’s greatest legends who have peered out from from your screen beneath the Eventing Nation banner — a look of determination in their eyes and the “look of eagles” in their horses’.

We’ll do this even if you and your horse exhibit more of a “look of pigeons.”

You and your horse

One of our superstar writers will interview about your favorite subject: your horse! And it will be shared on a site that got nearly NINE MILLION page views in the past 12 months. Yep, way better than hanging ribbons on your stall door. We’ll include photos! Videos! Witty quotes (we can actually help you with those)!

How can this unbelievable prize be yours?

Show us your flags! (This is not John's bicep. No matter what he says.)

Show us your flags! (Not John’s bicep. No matter what he tells you.)

It’s time to Show Us Your Flags, Eventing Nation! Send pics of you wearing one of the EN tattoos to [email protected] with the subject line: “My flags.”

Deadline: Friday, May 9, 2014. Midnight EST

* If you’d like to sponsor the Eventing Nation Training Grant, please email us.

en logo flag

Tredstep Ireland’s Make Mona Smile, Win Boots Winner

Sit. Stay. Win.
Ashley Harvey's winning entry. Sit. Stay. Win. Ashley Harvey's winning entry.

Congratulations Ashley Harvey, your choice as winner of the Tredstep’s Make Mona Smile, Win Boots Contest!

The Mona Lisa would indeed be snorting her chianti through her snout if she could see  Ashley’s picture of another poised, seated masterpiece.

Need a chuckle? Take another look at the finalists.

Ashley wins a pair of Tredstep Da Vinci Stretch Field Boots, tall boots with performance, fit (and no painful break-in period!) and style that will keep her smiling.

The new Tredstep Da Vinci Stretch Field Boots

The new Tredstep Da Vinci Stretch Field Boots

Thanks so much for sending your funny pics and for voting.

Thanks especially to Tredstep Ireland for keeping us all smiling with their products, year-round sponsorship, sense of humor and support of our sport around the world.


Design Your Dubes Winner + Dubarry of Ireland Nations Team Challenge Recap

Lyanne Yeh's winning entry Lyanne Yeh's winning entry

Congratulations to Lyanne Yeh, the winner of the Design Your Dubes Contest! Enjoy your new Dubarry Roscommon boots.

Not simply two fun opportunities to score sweet footwear, the Design Your Dubes Contest and the Pin Your Perfect RK3DE14 Outfit Contest celebrated the Dubarry of Ireland Nations Team Challenge at Rolex. Brit William Fox-Pitt may have won the watch, but Team USA won the challenge.

With a team score of 150.1, Lauren Kieffer and Veronica, Buck Davidson and Ballynoe Castle RM and Sinaed Halpin and Manoir de Carneville earned the $20,000 prize to help prepare American riders for the World Equestrian Games. Great Britain’s team came in second with a score of 163.8, followed by Team Canada with 209.9. Readers kept track of the battle for the Challenge bucks on Eventing Nation’s homepage,  with an exclusive leaderboard.

“Dubarry is grateful to have had the opportunity to support the Nations Team Challenge at RK3DE,” Danny Hulse, general manager of Dubarry of Ireland USA, said. “It added an exciting new dimension to what is already a phenomenal world class event.”

A huge thanks to Dubarry of Ireland for keeping us cozy and stylish, supporting Eventing Nation and our creative readers, and for supporting our sport worldwide.


World Equestrian Brands’ Rolex Top Dog 2014

Ellen Doughty and Ellen Doughty and "Best Man" Jesse, sent by Summer Rhone and Angie Mitchell

Congratulations Summer and Angie, winners of the Third Annual World Equestrian Brands’ Rolex Top Dog Contest.  And congratulation Jesse, Ellen and Alistair!

Ellen’s students sent this message with their entry:

“They say you can’t keep a good dog down. As it turns out, you can’t keep a good rider down either! Here is my trainer, Ellen Doughty, sharing a dance with her soulmate, Jesse, in the Kentucky Club Tent on the Rolex XC course following nuptials at the Head of the Lake. Despite the heartbreak of not being able to compete, and in typical Ellen fashion, she kept her chin up, made the best of the situation, and was all smiles this weekend with her ‘best man’ Jesse at her side — or in this case, in her arms. Go Ellen! Go Jesse! Go eventing!”

Jesse, Ellen and Alistair will live happily ever after. And Summer and Angie will get a front pair and a back pair of Equilibrium Airlite XC Boots.

Thanks so much for capturing all the pups on parade at Rolex and for voting for our winners. A big, slobbery puppy kiss of thanks to World Equestrian Brands and Equilibrium for sponsoring this contest and our coverage of the dogs of eventing (and those other, bigger animals too) all year round.

 equilibrium airlites


Smartpak Piper Breeches Will Be Added To These Hoards!

Lynne Garvin’s leading collection. Lynne Garvin’s leading collection.

Clearly Eventing Nation readers agree that one can never have too many lead ropes, bits and bridles (even if you have just one horse), as pictures of these precious collections won Lynn Garvin, Ryan Keefe and Mandy  two pairs of SmartPak breeches each – because Pipers are also too fun to have just one. Our readers have decided the winners of the SmartPak Too Fun To Have Just One Pick A Pair of Pipers Contest, but it’s up to Lynn, Ryan and Mandy to pick their colors, no easy task as there’s a rainbow of these comfy schoolers.

Ryan Keefe: You can never have enough bit bling

Ryan Keefe: You can never have enough bit bling

Mandy's ONE horse has a bridle for every day of the week

Mandy’s ONE horse has a bridle for every mood.

Thanks for hoarding, thanks for voting and thanks to SmartPak, for making it so easy and fun to expand our “collections” of things we need to keep ourselves, our horses and our dogs happy and healthy.

 sp piper

Who Makes Mona Smile Most? VOTE for the Tredstep DaVinci Boot Winner!

Jamie Cronin Jamie Cronin

If only Mona were around to enjoy the pictures you entered in the Tredstep’s Make Mona Smile, Win Boots Contest, she’d not only smile, she’d snort that nice Italian red we’re sure she was sipping (how else would one sit and pose in Renaissance Italy?) right out through her nose. As they sifted through entries, the chinchillas were rolling on the ground laughing. Or taking dust baths. (Sometimes it’s hard to tell). They might have been doing both at once.

Anyway, now it’s your turn. Vote for the pic that makes you smile the most, and help a fellow EN reader smile as well as they zip up the luscious leather  Da Vinci Stretch Field Boots that won’t make them weep during a break in time — BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ONE!

Britney Hensman

Britney Hensman




Brittany Todd’s 4-year-old OTTB Cody’s mud bath

Emily Embree

How Emily Embree and friend feel about waiting endlessly between classes at a jumper show

Kaila Orr

Kaila Orr

Sid Baughman

Sid Baughman captured this horse giving the farrier advice. Or maybe it’s Codependent Day for pedicures?

Wendy Schmitt

Wendy Schmitt’s senior shetland is half-shedded and half dressed. She says he’s wondering “Do these boots make my legs look short?”


Myrna Crystal Daniels’s Vikram “making a face at me the last time I broke in a pair of tall boots.”

Ashley Harvey

“Because how often do you see this?” wrote Ashley Harvey

Erin Cheever

Erin Cheever’s Meeko, while his buddy’s being braided on cross-ties


Penny Haesloop’s horse just after finishing an event.

Sarah Bath

Sarah Cowan

Kristin Leason

Kristin Leason’s “very *special* OTTB”

Liz Hocking

Liz Hocking said she couldn’t help snapping this the very first time she tried leading her horse over a cross rail.

Diane McNelis

Diane McNelis snapped this pic of Super Nova and explains: “Here he has crawled under the fence protecting a young oak tree. Mind you, he’s in a 16-acre pasture with tons of grass. But this is where we found him when we got home.”

Vote for who captured the most smile-worthy spectacle.

Voting ends Monday at 2 pm EST.

tredstep renn

Tipperary Snap the Dash Winner

Congratulations Brynne  Naughton! Eventing Nation readers picked your snap as the clear winner of the Tipperary Snap the Dash Contest, with this dynamic shot of Daniel Clasing and Houston launching out of the water and over the corner in the Head of the Lake, complete with terrific (and in focus!) expressions on the faces of both horse and rider.

Enjoy your  Tipperary Eventer Pro 3015! Learn more about how comfy it is in EN reviewer Colleen Peachey’s post.

The Tipperary Eventer Pro

The Tipperary Eventer Pro

Thanks for snapping and for voting!

And a big thanks to Tipperary for giving this year’s Rolex riders a chance to Dash for Cash, giving Brynne this great vest and for protecting and supporting Eventing Nation year-round.

 Tipperary logo


And the Winner of the Tredstep Ireland Name That Bum Contest Is …

James Alliston and Parker. Photo by Jenni Autry. James Alliston and Parker. Photo by Jenni Autry.

Congratulations Kaila Orr and Kim France for being the first of many, many people to send their guesses in this morning. Thanks to their lightning-quick reflexes and stalker-like ability to identify four-star bottoms (two qualities we value highly here at Eventing Nation) they’ll each receive a pair of Symphony Breeches by Tredstep Ireland to cover their own bums.

Tredstep Symphony Breeches

Tredstep Ireland Symphony Breeches

How the Syphony's flatter anyone's bum

How the Syphonys flatter anyone’s bum

Thanks for voting! And thanks, Tredstep, for all your prizes this month, helping us with the Insanity in the Middle Tailgate and allowing us to feature your classy products in a promotion that focuses on bums.


VOTE for the Design Your Dubes Winner

In celebration of the inaugural $20,000 Dubarry Nations Team Challenge at RK3DE, we invited you to show your national pride from the ground up and create a patriotic pair of Dubes for your country’s team.

One of the designers of these finalists pairs will win a new pair of Dubarry Roscommon boots. Help decide who the lucky winner will be.

Vote for your favorite #DesignYourDubes14 entry

 Voting closes Sunday, May 4th at 6 p.m.

The above Dubes and the boots below are the finalists:

design dubes

Design dunes 4

design dunes 5

design dunes horiz


Devoucoux Rolex Caption It Contest Winner

“What shall we do today Andrew?” “Same thing we do every day, Mark ... try to take over the world.” — Lori Jenks (Photo by Jenni Autry) “What shall we do today Andrew?” “Same thing we do every day, Mark ... try to take over the world.” — Lori Jenks (Photo by Jenni Autry)

Congratulations to the winning wit of Lori Jenks, your choice for first place in the Rolex 2014 Caption It Contest Presented By Devoucoux.

Lori will receive a marvelous, special edition Devoucoux shirt. She could get a naked one, or she can get one signed by Devoucoux riders, which she could wear every time she competes and never wash it for ultimate karma, frame and hang on her wall.

Thanks everyone for captioning and voting.

And thanks to Devoucoux for sponsoring this contest, sponsoring Eventing Nation all year, sponsoring some of our sport’s finest riders and sponsoring Rolex!


Point Two Protect YourSELFIE Contest Winners

Anna Pierro can soon add Pro Air to her water wings and other inflatable possessions. Anna Pierro can soon add Pro Air to her water wings and other inflatable possessions.

Was it the water wings and matching tube? The coordinated beverage? The stylin’ yellow shades? Or was it simply the fact that Anna’s bobbing with the geese in the Head of the Lake? For this masterfully fun and Rolexy pic, Anna Pierro wins the Point Two Protect YourSELFIE Contest. She wins a wonderful Point Two Pro Air Vest.


The Point Two Pro Air

Chrissy West

Chrissy West

Second Place: $200 Point Two gift certificate.

Not that she and Minion will ever run out and tumble again, but Chrissy will have $200 to invest in protecting herself with Point Two products.

Sarah Beal (and WFP & Bay My Hero)

Sarah Beal (and WFP & Bay My Hero)

Third Place: $100 Point Two gift certificate.

Sarah Beal’s perfect timing, fab hat and the attractive background bums of this year’s Rolex champions William Fox-Pitt and Bay My Hero scores her $100 to spend on Point Two products.

Check out all our finalists again; they’re incredible.

Thanks for creating all the wonderful Protect YourSELFIES and for voting on them. And thanks to our very generous sponsors Point Two for protecting us and supporting us.

 Point Two

Pick A Pup: VOTE for World Equestrian Brand’s Rolex Top Dog 2014

Helen Guidotti's Hody tests the water at his first Rolex. Helen Guidotti's Hody tests the water at his first Rolex.

Take a deep breath, as this may be the most difficult vote you’ll cast in our slew of Rolex contests this year. All of these pups are precious. It’s so very hard to choose. The chinchillas winnowed away a few out-of-focus entries, but are leaving the bulk of the decision to you. (They were happy to pass off the task, actually. They get VERY nervous around dogs. Even just pics of dogs. There have been incidents.) Cast your vote in the Third Annual World Equestrian Brands Rolex Top Dog Contest and help determine who will receive a fabulous set of Equilibrium Airlite XC Boots (for your horse, as they’re probably too large for your dog).


Helen Rutter’s Banjo, Kora and Jax are quite pleased with the topiary masterworks on course.


Abby Pearson’s Splash is a TEN YEAR Rolex vet, and this therapy dog obviously knows where the best parties are — this shot was taken at the EN/Tredstep Insanity in the Middle Tailgate.


Maya Kuntze captured this classic Corgi in a golf cart.


Foster scrutinizes the athletes and outfits at the first horse inspection.

Kissing Booth

Working hard to raise donations for the Lexington Humane Society, this little guy smooched all weekend. Oh, it’s hard to be so adorable!

This most wonderful and well behaved (would YOU kiss everyone who asked for a buck?) dog was still available at the end of Rolex. He, and other loving dogs are waiting for you at the Lexington Humane Society. Please check them out if you’ve got room in your heart and home.


Pam Sills’ pooches frolic in the second water complex.


Stephanie Sills’ Aiken stray smiles almost as big as Libby Head as he clears the corner.


Tiny dogs in charge. As usual. Sent by Beth Wiseman.


Amber Blaisdell’s Truffle tries on show jackets at the trade fair.


Jillian Gann’s bearded gnome, er, dog, clearly feels these cabins are just his size. Cue the “Deliverance” theme song.

Sharon Will

Sharon Will’s double trouble.


Kaylen Moon’s Tucker ponders his options at Head of the Lake.

ava corgi

Most Wanted Corgi for sure. Stacy Johnson’s Ava.

Wedding Dog

Ellen Doughty and “Best Man” Jesse, sent by Summer Rhone and Angie Mitchell.

“They say you can’t keep a good dog down,” wrote Summer Rhone with her entry. “As it turns out, you can’t keep a good rider down either! Here is my trainer, Ellen Doughty, sharing a dance with her soulmate, Jesse, in the Kentucky Club Tent on the Rolex XC course following nuptials at the Head of the Lake. Despite the heartbreak of not being able to compete, and in typical Ellen fashion, she kept her chin up, made the best of the situation, and was all smiles this weekend with her ‘best man’ Jesse at her side — or in this case, in her arms. Go Ellen! Go Jesse! Go eventing!”

And go vote!

Voting ends Saturday, noon EST.

(Some entries are listed by person, some by pooch, based on the info sent to us.)


Tredstep Ireland Presents Name That Bum!

Which Rolex rider belongs to this bum? Photo by Jenni Autry. Which Rolex rider belongs to this bum? Photo by Jenni Autry.

Name this four-star bum and win a pair of Symphony Breeches by Tredstep Ireland for yours!

Yep, these are the ones you can spill stuff on without ruining due to nifty NanoSphere technology. Plus, the active motion features built into the design ensure a high performance, comfy fit (not as baggy as the pants pictured here!).

The first two readers to correctly identify this four-star posterior win a pair of Symphonys.

Hurry! Email your guess to [email protected].

Then check out how coffee, honey and ketchup slide right off the Symphonys:


VOTE for Your Favorite Hoarder to Win a Pair of SmartPak’s Pipers Breeches

Ryan Keefe says, Ryan Keefe says, "These aren't ALL the bits — just enough to spell out RK3DE!"

To celebrate wonderful horsey things that are simply too fun to have just one of — and ROLEX!— SmartPak’s helping us give away six pairs of their new Piper Breeches. We asked for evidence of your equine-fueled hoarding collecting. And you answered. Vote for your favorite. The top three will win TWO PAIRS of Pipers each.

Sara Gartland says she "has (almost) every number and rider packet from the past 10 years tucked away somewhere in my trailer."

Sara Gartland says she “has (almost) every number and rider packet from the past 10 years tucked away somewhere in my trailer.”

hoarder LG

“NO, we do not hoard lead ropes,” Lynn Garvin said. “We just want to make sure that if an octopus and all of his extended family show up, everyone can have a lead.”

Wendy Schmitt

Wendy Schmitt’s “Pony Room”

Jeanna Epping

Jeanna Epping: “All this just for one 4-year-old’s show gear. Oops.”


Mandy “This is my bridle collection. I have ONE horse.”

Ashleigh Rauen

Ashleigh Rauen: “HOARDERS: Bays Edition”

Celeste Coulter

Celeste Coulter: “This is what happens when you own three horses and one pony who are all entirely different sizes and builds — you require a ridiculous amount of tack in a million different sizes. I don’t know whether I should feel proud of my ‘collection’ or ashamed.”

Erin Kimmer

Erin Kimmer: “My ‘used tack store’ takes up half of my basement and is made up solely of equipment that I ‘might’ use one day. Some fun items include petal bell boots, the first Professional Choice boots they ever made, and a blanket and bridle from an aunt’s horse she had in the 60’s. I just salvaged the crown piece from this bridle to use on a hunt bridle, so it’s completely justified to keep the rest of it because you never know, you may need it!!”

Kristenn Cowan

Kristen Cowan: “This isn’t everything. Just what was in the trailer for one show.”

Megan Woods

Megan Woods: “We collect towing vehicles. And this isn’t all of them. I promise we do use them all!”

Voting closes Friday at noon EST.

smartpak banner

VOTE: Which Snap Should Win A Tipperary Eventer Pro 3015 Vest?

Lindsey Oaks snapped by Jessica Childs Lindsey Oaks snapped by Jessica Childs

Time to wield your might as EN readers and award one of these snappers with a brand new Tipperary Eventer Pro 3015! Vote for your favorite snapshot of a rider as they Dashed for Cash at Rolex.

Julia Dionisio's snap of Daniel Clasing

Julia Dionisio’s snap of Daniel Clasing

Ellen Minnie's snap of Daniel Clasing

Ellen Minnie’s snap of Lindsey Oaks through the keyhole

Daniel Clasing snapped by B---N----

Daniel Clasing snapped by Brynne Naughton

Daniel snapped by J----L---

Daniel snapped by Jill Lukens

Celeste Coulter's snap of Daniel

Celeste Coulter’s snap of Daniel

Daniel snapped by Jeanna Epping

Daniel snapped by Jeanna Epping

Choose your favorite carefully, the winner gets one of these:

Tipperary Eventer Pro 3015!

Tipperary Eventer Pro 3015!

You should be jealous. Learn why in EN product reviewer Colleen Peachey’s post about the vest.

Thanks, Tipperary for protecting Daniel, Lindsey and soon, another Eventing Nation fan!

Voting closes Saturday at 8:30 a.m. EST.

Tipperary logo

Vote for the Point Two Protect YourSELFIE Contest Winners!

Sarah Beal (and WFP & Bay My Hero) Sarah Beal (and WFP & Bay My Hero)

In celebration of Rolex and YOU, our readers, who are very much worth protecting, our marvelous sponsor Point Two will reward a Pro Air Vest to the winner of the Point Two Protect YourSELFIE Contest. Second and third placed entries will get generous gift certificates. The chinchillas have done the legwork (because they have twice as many legs as we do) of winnowing down the entries to these finalists. Now they pass the power to you, Eventing Nation.

Here are our finalists for your voting consideration:

Selfie 1 (2)

Darci Lorensen (on Boyd’s saddle)

Stephanie Nicora, recreating Andrew Nicholson's trip through the Head of the Lake

Stephanie Nicora, recreating Andrew Nicholson’s trip through the Head of the Lake

Lynn Garvin and her mare Cleary

Lynn Garvin and her mare Cleary

Caitlin Chase as close as her overwhelmed and shy self could get to WFP

Caitlin Chase as close as her overwhelmed and shy self could get to WFP

Liz Hocking

Liz Hocking was dreaming of Rolex in sub-zero temps when she snapped this.

Anna Pierro

Anna Pierro

Celeste Coulter riding double  on Eagle Lion "with her bestie Bruce"

Celeste Coulter riding double on Eagle Lion “with her bestie Bruce”

Chrissy West and Minion demonstrate how to properly run out at a barrel fence

Chrissy West and Minion demonstrate how to properly run out, so Rolex riders know what not to do.

Ellyn Montgomery

Ellyn Montgomery

LaLoni Purk literally on course at Rolex

LaLoni Purk literally on course at Rolex

Whitney Bryant

Whitney Bryant


Contest ends Thursday, 5 EST.

 Point Two


VOTE: Caption It Contest Presented by Devoucoux

“What shall we do today Andrew?” “Same thing we do every day, Mark ... try to take over the world.” — Lori Jenks (Photo by Jenni Autry) “What shall we do today Andrew?” “Same thing we do every day, Mark ... try to take over the world.” — Lori Jenks (Photo by Jenni Autry)

Check out this photo of Andrew Nicholson and Mark Todd and VOTE for who you think should win the Caption It Contest Presented by Devoucoux. We got tons of entries (some a bit too naughty to publish), and these are the chinchy-chosen finalists:

“Are people staring because of the purple? Americans!” — Jeanna Epping

“They see us rolllliiiiinnnggg, they haaatiiiiing!” — Sophie Gary

“Hey Toddy, why do you reckon they are over there interviewing old Foxy when I won last year?” — Emaj

“What shall we do today Andrew?” “Same thing we do every day, Mark … try to take over the world.” — Lori Jenks

“Laugh all you want, but it worked for that Cumberbatch chap. Evidently it’s called a ‘Purple Shirt of Sex‘ …” – Amanda Smith

“The boys are back in town.” — MiMi Falb

“G’day! We’re here to pick up another Rolex.” — Lisa Burnett

“Walkin’ through the streets like ‘whuddup I got a big trot.’ Hello, Rolex 2014, think you can handle this?” — Sidney Alyse Baugham

Voting ends Thursday, 12 noon EST.

The winner will receive a fabulous shirt signed by Devoucoux riders, including this one, who wielded cane and pen this weekend.


Fans lined up throughout the weekend for signing with Devoucoux riders. Photo by Shara Rutberg.

Devoucoux made a smashing debut with their new booth in the Sponsor Village this year. Foot traffic was regularly held up by shoppers like this one, drooling over the display of saddles with colored piping and matching stirrups.

Devoucoux dreaming. [Photo: Shara Rutberg]

Devoucoux dreaming. Photo by Shara Rutberg.
