Sit, Stay and your Friday News and Notes from FLAIR

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One of my favorite photos, taken by one of my favorite humans
There are a lot of pretty cool things about horse people. One of my favorite things about horse people is the general love for dogs. You never go to a farm, clinic or event without seeing dogs. I also love how horse people will do crazy things for their dogs. I am one of those people. Yes, my dog has fall, winter and spring blankets. Yes, he has a different collar for every season. Yes, I have spent the night cuddled with him in his dog bed. No, I am not actually crazy. Most of us will do anything for our dogs. But at some point we must draw the line. 
Summer camp was always fun growing up. But does your dog need to go? Even more important, are you going to take your dog for an extensive interview? What about playtime to see if your dog is a fit for camp? Well, just check out Camp Bow Wow. At Camp Bow Wow, each camper must fill out an extensive application, be interviewed in great detail, and then pass a playtime test. This must be one fun camp. For those of you who have “children” attending this camp, I admire your ability to really treat your dog like a child. I think I will just stick to summer horse shows serving as my diggity dog’s summer camp experiences. [Just in case you want your dog to go to camp]
Enough ramblings about dogs going to camp…
Otter Creek HT [Live Scores] 
The Summer Event at Woodside [Live Scores]
GMHA Training Three Day [Live Scores] 
Don’t get excited. You are NOT going to be a ring steward at the Olympics. For years, internet scamming has been wildly out of control. The Olympics are clearly a great target for scamers. In their latest efforts, emails have been sent with a link saying you have been selected to be a ring steward at the equestrian venue. How cool, right?! Wrong. You are in trouble if you click or call. Your money will be taken and disappear into thin air. So please people, if you get one of these emails, don’t be foolish. [Scam, scam, scam]
Red Hills is seeking corporate sponsors [go here]
We all need a calendar in our lives. How else will one organize the day or show up in the right place at the right time? Well, here is what you need! The 2012 Riders Reveled calendar is a great way to keep track of your days. Or maybe lose track of your mind? Either way, this calendar supports a great cause (Spinal research in honor of Claire Lomas). If you happen to be at Burghley, you will be in great shape to get one. For others, check out the website for more information. [Riders Reveled] 
There has been a change in the German team for the European Championships. Both Kai Ruder and Marina Kohncke have withdrawn their mounts. [Germany]
Speaking of the Europeans, EN favorite Laura Collett had a fall in her final prep run. No worries, no injuries. She will be pushing on for the Europeans and putting this fall behind her. 
A German horse recently had an unfortunate situation. It is never good to be stuck, but getting stuck in a tire? Even worse. It is thought that Smila (a horse) was grazing in the tire when she slipped and got stuck. Luckily a fireman was on scene quickly to set her free. [Oops] 
Speaking of horses in bad situations…Shallimah found himself in quiet a bad situation approximately 800 meters off shore. After being spooked by a wave, he lost his rider and headed for more waves. A local cyclist saw the trouble and called for help. The rescue squad was on scene in 15 minutes. After attaching a line to his bridle, and careful steering of the boat, Shallimah was guided back to shore and reunited with her owner. [Out for a swim]
As we all know, grooms are one of the most important parts of a successful operation. I love hearing their stories- the good and the bad. To be a good groom, you must be insanely OCD, strangely calm, and able to not just do two things at once, but thirty things at once. On The Line has a wonderful blog post about top groom Liv Gude. Liv has worked for many top riders. Here she shares more with us about being a top groom. [Grooms Unite] 
Best of Blogs: Along for the Ride
One blog that is always fun to read: Golightly Sport Horses. Funny, light hearted, and just plain enjoyable. This time there are great photos from a good weekend at Maryland HT. Check it out! [Photo montage] 
For your viewing pleasure:
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Stay cool and stay tuned. Go Eventing.


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