The Day After’s Monday News and Notes from ECOGOLD

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Photo used with kind permission of Allie Conrad

What a weekend! In case any body has missed it, William Fox-Pitt pulled his 6th Burghley win! To win Burghley once is an incredible feat. To win it twice, wow. But six times? I feel like this man deserves some serious worshiping. Then you have Andrew Nicholson finishing second. And Mary Kind third. That is a real world class top three.

Of course, my two favorite parts of the entire weekend belong to Boyd and Sinead. Boyd has been through one terrible summer. But he and that horse really showed what they are made of. Horses have so much heart. But are there many with the heart of Neville? Who knows. What this pair has gone through to get to that seventh place finish is unthinkable. Somebody should contact Disney, this story needs to be on the world stage!

And Sinead, oh Sinead. I spent all Saturday morning with my stomach in knots for this girl. Not because I thought she couldn’t do it. But, because I was dying to see her show the world she how good she has become. Sinead has improved so much over the past two years. First in Kentucky she catches the eventing world’s eye. Now in England, she stamps her place firmly in the eventing world. I can’t wait to see what comes over her for 2012. She is getting better and better which means a lot of people should be getting pretty scared of her.

Colleen Rutledge is another one who really impressed me. Boy can that horse jump. Colleen and Shiraz really have a special partnership. His style around the cross country is so enthusiastic. If she can work to improve his dressage, the US will be watching another great pair.

Hawley Bennett and Jessie Phoenix as sitting on two of the coolest jumping horses. Although I am sure Hawley is bummed about her glance of, she should still be thrilled with her weekend. I look so forward to seeing both of the pairs next year.

[Burghley Results] 

[Watch your favorite riders]

In case you missed Hawley’s awesome helmet cam, check it out! [Ride Burghley with Hawley]

In case you missed the weekend results:

Five Points [Live Scores]

Feather Creek HT [Scores

South Farm HT [Results]

Aspen Farm HT [Scores]

Stoney Brook Farm . [Scores]

Kentucky Classique [Results]

Silverwood HT [Website]

Seneca HT [Results]

Town Hill Farm HT [Website]

Steepleview Labor Day HT [Live Scores]

OHTA Championships [Live Scores]

Northern Colorado HT [Website]

Leslie Wylie has given a great recap of her weekend at Kentucky Classique. In her prelim debut, she gained a great education. From no flying changes being allowed in the counter canter to bogey fences on the XC, there was a lot learned. Leslie talks about her weekend with good humor. And after a positive XC school and a good pitcher of Sangria, Leslie should be feeling pretty good about herself! On to the next event… [Wylie Eventing]

Team CEO had a busy weekend at Kentucky Classique [Team CEO results]

I’ve heard many good things about Aspen Farm HT. But this volunteer really made me want to go volunteer there (although, not sure it is close enough for a weekend volunteer trip for me)! There are few things greater than a well run event. But we all know, a well run event can’t go off without some seriously great volunteers. At Aspen, they treat their volunteers like rock stars. Warm breakfast and tee shirts?? Oh yes. These types of things make volunteers want to come back for more. [Get your volunteer on]

Five Points HT played host to all the levels this weekend. Marilyn Little- Meredith was out with two horses in the advanced. She took home a blue and white in the advanced. Steph B. and Port Authority were out for an advanced run to finish second. Nina Ligon had a second place finish in the OI. However, she had two falls on her two newest mounts. The weather in North Carolina was absolutely beautiful. Five Points runs a really lovely fall event. I highly suggest those who haven’t attended, do.

As always, I love it when grooms get the attention they deserve. [Groom’s award]

The show jumping at Burghley was held in the torrential rain. Rain like this is no fun for anyone. But at Burghley, it’s even more miserable. Horse and Hound blogger, Lucy Higginson, recaps the show jumping. Poor Kitty King had one miserable round. Everyone is probably glad to be safely tucked into their beds. Well everyone except WFP who is hopefully tearing up the town.  [Horse and Hound]

Get geared up for Plantation Field. This event does a great job at getting the community involved. There are tons of fun activities for all people. Food, bouncy play things, games, and of course, great horses to watch! Tickets are $25 per car load ($20 in advance). So pack in the people, pack the coolers, and come out to a great day of eventing! [Plantation Field]

This is a really big week here on Eventing Nation. The American Eventing Championships get under way as does Blenheim HT in England. This means John is bound to be spinning in circles and forgetting his own name. Thank goodness we have Annie around to keep him on a short and controlled leash. Getting ready people, your going to get a great week here on EN. Go Eventing.

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