Eventers will once again converge upon Texas as the USEA Annual Meeting and Convention is slated to be held in Dallas from December 3-7. EN has covered the convention in years past and will do so again this year, and it’s always full of worthwhile lectures and seminars, not to mention plenty of elbow-rubbing and partying to satisfy even the most outrageous eventers.
This year, the keynote speaker for the convention will be Leslie Law, who will impart much of his knowledge and comedic relief on the audience. Also, the USEA’s annual awards will be given out, which is always a great way to recognize the top horses and riders in U.S. eventing.
Also on the ticket for this year are several educational opportunities that you won’t want to miss:
- Eventing Calendar Forum for 2016 and Beyond — Open Forum
- Buying Your Next Event Horse Suitable for Rider’s Age and Ability
- Feeding Solutions for the High Performance Horse
- Securing and Maintaining the Rider/Sponsor Relationship
- USEA Intercollegiate Program Jumpstart
- Rule Change Open Forum
- WEG Discussion Panel — “What’s Keeping Us From Coming Out a Winner?”
Registration is now open, with a deadline of November 14 to receive reduced rates. The convention will be held at the Omni Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas. For more information, visit the USEA here.
USEA Convention Links: [Website] [Schedule] [Registration]