Saturday Links from Nupafeed USA

Photo via Megan Jones on Facebook.

I think the ‘pot of gold’ that everyone would like to find at the end of a rainbow right now is a sense of normalcy. For us eventers, it seems like we might start to get a taste of normalcy in some fashion next month as events try to begin to run again. Things will still be a little different for a while of course, but boy is it going to feel good to pull the trailer into the show grounds for the first time in a long time.

Saturday Links:

Top 10 Tips for Coming Back Into Work with Buck Davidson

Covid-19 causes first-ever cancellation of Burghley Horse Trials

Where Do We Go from Here? One Rider’s Hope For a Post-COVID Horse Industry

Bang Your Horse’s Tail

A Rider’s Guide to Refocusing After Disaster Strikes

Connect with Your Horse’s Rhythm

Veterinarians And Farmers May Help Prevent Pandemics

Saturday Video: