Saturday Links from Tipperary

Wishful thinking… Photo courtesy of Andi Davison.

While entry fees may not be on sale, pretty much everything else from every equestrian business ever is this weekend. This whole weekend after Thanksgiving has become quite an event in terms of shopping and I’ve pretty much had to lock my credit card away in a drawer to keep from buying myself presents. But really, they’re not actually for me … they’re for my horse … so that’s fine, right?

National Holiday:  Small Business Saturday

U.S. Weekend Action:

Pine Top Thanksgiving H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]

Saturday Links:

The medal-winning event horse with a spooky connection to his rider’s family

Sharpen Your Show-Jumping Skills

A Window Into Your Horse’s Sole

Horse-riding simulator helped hospitalized older people 

Christoph Hess: The Importance of the Stretch

Saturday Video: Some no-sew braids to try out:

How to do Lackie/Banded Plaits – No Sewing Required!!

This is a very quick and easy method of creating lovely plaits without any sewing. Goodbye ugle bobble plaits, this method gives a much better finish and is as easy as pie! Perfect for thick or thin manes, it's particularly great for events where you don't want to spend more time plaiting than you will riding or if you really struggle with sewn plaits so would like an easy alternative.

Posted by Nags To Riches Equestrian on Monday, May 21, 2018