Mara DePuy and Congo Brazzaville C. Photo by Shelby Allen.
Since COVID-19 brought the eventing calendar as we know it to a standstill, a meeting of the minds has been taking place nonstop to piece together the rest of the year thanks to the efforts of the USEA Competitions, Calendar and Rules Committees, USEA Areas and the USEF Eventing Sport Committee.
Of the 259 recognized events on the 2020 calendar, 82 were impacted by COVID-19. So far 23 of those events have received rescheduled dates, and five new events have been added to the calendar. All rescheduled dates for events who put in requests have now been allocated. The calendar could continue to morph, so continue to refer to the USEA Competition Calendar for the most up-to-date information.
Click here for the USEF COVID-19 Action Plan.
2020 Rescheduled Events:
Area I
June 27-28 (rescheduled from May 30-31)
GMHA June H.T.
Levels: P,T,N,BN
July 18 (rescheduled from May 16)
Hitching Post Farm H.T,
Levels: P,T,N,BN,Intro
August 30 (rescheduled from June 14)
Valinor Farm H.T.
Levels: M,T,N,BN,Starter
October 4 (rescheduled from June 7)
Genesee Valley Riding & Driving H.T.
Levels: TN,N,BN,Intro
Area II
June 13-14 (rescheduled from May 30-31)
Waredaca H.T.
June 13-14 (new event)
War Horse Series H.T.
Levels: P,M,T,N,BN
July 11-12 (new event)
War Horse Series H.T.
Levels: P,M,T,N,BN
July 21-24 (rescheduled from May 21-24)
VHT International & H.T.
Levels: CCI2L,CCI3/2S,AI,I,P,M,T,N,BN,Starter,YEH
August 8-9 (FEI levels added from April event)
Fair Hill International H.T. & CCIS
Levels: CCI3S,I,P,T,N
August 22-23 (new event)
War Horse Series H.T.
Levels: P,M,T,N,BN
October 10-11 (new event)
War Horse Series H.T.
Levels: P,M,T,N,BN
November 6-8 (new event)
War Horse Series Championship H.T.
Levels: P,M,T,N,BN
November 14-15 (rescheduled from March 28-29)
Morven Park Spring H.T.
Levels: I,P,T,N,BN
Area III
July 11-12 (rescheduled from March 21-22)
Poplar Place Farm March H.T.
Levels: IP,P,PT,T,N,BN,Starter
July 18-19 (rescheduled from March 28-29)
Full Gallop Farm April H.T.
Levels: P,PT,T,N,BN,Starter,YEH,NEH
July 25-26 (rescheduled from April 11-12)
Levels: P,T,N,BN,Starter
September 12-13 (rescheduled from May 30-31)
Ocala Summer H.T.
Levels: I,P,M,T,N,BN
October 2-4 (rescheduled from May 29-31)
Poplar Place Farm H.T.
Levels: AI,I,IP,P,PT,T,N,BN,Starter
October 3-4 (rescheduled from March 21-22)
Horse Trials at Majestic Oaks
Levels: I,P,T,N,BN,Starter
December 5-6 (rescheduled from March 27-29)
Rocking Horse Spring H.T.
Levels: I,P,PT,T,N,BN
Area IV
July 25-26 (rescheduled from May 9-10)
Mill Creek Pony Club H.T. at Longview
Levels: P,T,N,BN,Starter,CT-BN
August 8-9 (rescheduled from June 13-14)
Queeny Park H.T.
Levels: M,T,N,BN,Starter
Area V
June 19-21 (rescheduled from March 27-29)
Texas Rose Horse Park H.T.
Levels: I,P,T,N,BN,Intro,FEH,YEH,NEH
Area VI (no rescheduled events)
Area VII (no rescheduled events)
July 4-5 (rescheduled from May 8-10)
Winona H.T.
Levels: P,PT,T,N,BN,Starter,FEH,YEH,NEH
July 25-26 (rescheduled from June 13-14)
Honey Run H.T.
Levels: T,N,BN,Starter
August 8-9 (rescheduled from May 28-31)
IEA H.T., Classic Training/Novice 3-Day Event
Levels: IP,P,M,T3D,T,N3D,N,BN,Starter
Area IX
July 4-5 (rescheduled from May 16-17)
Spring Gulch H.T.
Levels: P,T,N,BN,Intro
Area X
September 12-13 (rescheduled from May 24-25)
Coconino Spring H.T
Levels: I,IP,P,T,N,BN,Intro
October 10-11 (rescheduled from April 18-19)
St. Johns H.T.
Levels: PT,T,N,BN,Derby,Pre-Comp
Go eventing.
This post was updated for clarification of the August 8-9 Fair Hill International H.T. & CCIS.