Fresh clips on Leo and Nyls! Photo by Owie Samuels.
It’s that time of the year again … fuzzy ponies, mud, winter wind and blankets all over the place! It’s also time for that activity that fills every part of your body with itchy, scratching fuzz, leaves your arms buzzing for hours afterwards and can be quite tedious with less than willing participants. Clipping season!
Yes, both of my boys look less than enthused, but please let’s appreciate the badass free-hand blanket clips that I gave them this week. I’m a little bit of an old fashioned lady when it comes to clipping, and I will freely admit that my artistry is fully restricted to regular clipping jobs, but I know there are lots of you out there with a little more of an inventive spirit. This is your time to shine!
Every year, I feature clipping artists and their creations on their furry horses in a weekly segment. It’s right about time to ask for your submissions, and I’m ready to receive them. Here’s what you have to do:
- Clip something awesome onto your horse. It can be a full body design, or just a small piece of art on the bum — pretty much anything. Go wild!
- Take a really good photo of your work. Make sure you take a photo that is a good size, features your artistry in good lighting and isn’t blurry because your horse is wiggling around. Show off your clipping skillz as best you can!
- Email me at [email protected] with your photo, your name, the name of your horse and where you live. You can also include a little backstory blurb. We always love hearing a little something about your relationship with your horse or an explanation as to why you clipped this certain design.
So don’t wait! I know November is the first month of many where you guys are hunkering down and resigning yourself to the clipping life, so have fun with it. I can’t wait to show off how skilled our Eventing Nation readers are and what kinds of clips come from all over the world!