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How fun is this? In your most recent copy of US Eventing magazine, you can find a collage of the lowest finishing scores of each division in 2021. If you need a little jolt of motivation or some inspiration for a challenging goal ti set your sights on this season, here it is.
Black History Bit of the Day:
Who is Selika Lazevski? Truth be told, we don’t really know — but she could have been the first Black woman to ride classical dressage. All that’s left of Selika Lazevski — which is likely a stage name — are six negatives of black-and-white photographs taken in 1891 that now reside in the collection of the French Ministry of Culture. In a time where most Black women in France were depicted as enslaved or sexualized individuals, if they were depicted in portraiture at all, Selika Lazevski appears in her portraits wearing a respectable riding habit and fierce gaze. The notes accompanying the photograph’s negatives state that Selika was a horsewomen who rode haute école — the most prestigious role for a female performer — at the Nouveau Cirque on the rue Saint Honoré in Paris, which was the circus of choice for French high society up until World War I.
U.S. Weekend (and Wednesday) Action:
Pine Top Advanced H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Three Lakes Winter II at Caudle Ranch [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Full Gallop Farm Mid February H.T. [Website] [Ride Times]
Sunday Links:
Desert International Horse Park Cancels Remainder Of Show Season
Study Shows Hosing Legs An Effective Cool-Down Strategy
15 Business Insights from Leading Equestrian Professionals
At last, a course that grooms “horse husbands” for their role
Sunday Video: Can your vet do that? Dr. Kim Keeton and Keysoe make easy work of the Advanced water at Pine Top yesterday. (Granted, if your vet is Dr. Kevin Keane then your answer will be yes — he was riding in this division too!)