Hooray for Sunday! Today there’s some big important football game on the television. Honestly, I prefer hockey to football, but I will probably end up catching a few minutes of the game here and there. Super Bowl commercials always prove entertaining and there’s guaranteed to be a pony spotting or two as they flew Thunder, the Broncos mascot, in for the game. For now though, I’m off to ride. So, um, Go Denveattle Bronhawks! That’s a team, right?
Events This Weekend:
Poplar Place February HT [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Sporting Days February HT [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Galway Downs Winter HT [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Sunday Links:
Watch for Broncos’ Horse On Sunday
Horse Rider Killed in Accident at Wellington identified as Anne Heyman
Roswell, New Mexico, Divided On Horse Slaughterhouse Plan
Who Wins With The Carriage Horse Ban
FEI Announces Officials for 2014 WEGs
Sunday Video:
For me, the only reason to watch the Super Bowl is for the Clydesdale commercials. Last year’s was my favorite, this year’s is pretty sweet and this one is a close third.