The quarantine haircut from hell. Photo by Shelby Allen.
With salons closing, people have gotten a little desperate (crazy?) with their hair lately. I’ve seen quite a few makeovers fueled by box dye and kitchen scissors, but none come close to my mom’s pony, Annabelle’s, forelock. Mom, if you’re reading this, a career as a professional groomer probably isn’t in your future.
National Holiday: National Smile Day
Sunday Links:
New guidance on riding and coaching in Scotland as lockdown eases
USEA Approves New Qualification Period for 2020 AEC
MACTA Cross-Country Schooling Day a Success Amid COVID-19 Restrictions
Upperville And Loudoun Benefit Canceled
Pomp And Circumstance And A Wheelbarrow
What It’s Really Like to Train with Roger Yves Bost
Sunday Video: Proof that Lainey Ashker is actually Snow White.
Laine Ashker Eventing and Dressage: where you can come to get your horse AND bird trained at the same DAMN time! #madskills #birdwhispering101
Posted by Lainey Ashker on Saturday, May 30, 2020