Sunday Links from SmartPak

After an unfortunate injury on course in the Land Rover Kentucky CCI5*-L, our favorite girl Stella Artois has made it home! “Toddie” had sustained a severe tendon injury to her right front leg, and has been taking a nice vacation in the care of Liz Halliday-Sharp after being discharged from the Hagyard Equine Medical Institute in Lexington. Rider Jennie Saville said “she’s doing much better… When the injury first happened she was so lame, she was non-weight bearing. We couldn’t get her studs out until [May 1st] on the other front foot because she couldn’t put weight on her leg. She is in much better form now.”

After a rocky journey back to 5*, we were all heartbroken to see Toddie sustain another injury, but Jennie and her team have always shown the utmost caution, patience, and consideration in the rehab of her horses. We are glad she is finally home, and hope to be seeing this stellar pair on course again soon.

U.S. Weekend Action

Hunt Club Farms H.T. (Berryville, VA): [Website] [Ride Times] [Rider Status] [Live Scoring] [Volunteer]

Otter Creek Spring H.T. (Wheeler, WI): [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scoring]

Fair Hill International Recognized H.T. (Elkton, MD): [Website] [Ride Times] [Entry Status] [Volunteer]

Chattahoochee Hills H.T. (Fairburn, GA): [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scoring]

Spring Gulch H.T. (Littleton, CO): [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scoring] [Volunteer]

Links to Start Your Sunday:

Sharon White’s Cooley On Show finds a new home with Lizzie Hoff

Nicola Wilson named in first cohort of UK Sport’s new Coaching in High-Performance Sport development program

Free webinar by the Horses and Humans Research Foundation: Training Horses and the 5 Domains of Horse Welfare

Can Horses Be Trained for Soundness?

Behind the Breeder’s Brand: Welcome Here Farm — the creators behind Jennie Saville’s Twilightslastgleam

Weekly Pick from SmartPak: Did you know that everyday stressors like trailering, stall rest, and even seasonal allergies can weaken your horse’s immune system? SmartPak just released the SmartImmune Mushroom supplement to help your horse’s immune system perform at its best.

Morning Viewing: “Mr. Stickability” is right… Never have I seen recovery from what I was so certain would be a rotational fall. Andrew Nicholson’s recovery on course at Burghley 2000 was iconic, and this, my friends, is a reason why MIM clips happened — not everyone can defy gravity and physics like Andrew!

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