Just Keep Plugging Away
January can be brutal; there’s no need for sugar coating. As I sit here typing these words, I can hear gusts of wind traveling through the woods and smashing into our home. Temperatures have reached
...» Read More!January can be brutal; there’s no need for sugar coating. As I sit here typing these words, I can hear gusts of wind traveling through the woods and smashing into our home. Temperatures have reached
...» Read More!Winter in New England could be described as a double edged sword. On the one hand, we are surrounded by a breathtaking icicle kingdom, especially when driving down some of these long, back, dirt roads
...» Read More!Boy, oh boy, are New Englanders in for a surprise this year! Winter has officially made its yearly debut and friends, neighbors, family members, and strangers are hiding out in their cocoons and preparing themselves
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