Some readers are fond of lamenting “the good old days” of Eventing Nation, back when the website’s creator/publisher John was running the show out of his mom’s basement. That sentiment, while sweet, is also a big bunch of nostalgic garbage, and this Kentucky post by John from April 22, 2010 is proof why. — LW
From John:
If horses have taught me anything, it’s that you can’t learn how to ride standing on the ground. One of my goals for Eventing Nation is for us to aggressively use video to connect with our readers. Today I took the first baby step towards that goal by filming a short walk I took through the Horse Park on Thursday night during the WEG dressage test event musical freestyle, which, incidentally, Tina Konyot ended up winning.
Filming: 45 minutes
Figuring out how to upload and edit the video: 3 hours
The final product: anything but priceless
Please leave your suggestions in the comment section, but, off the top of my head, it needs a soundtrack, the camera shakes like I’m on crystal meth, I need to pronounce “Kentucky Horse Park” using more than one syllable, and it has a considerably less developed “plot” than Hot Tub Time Machine.
Now and always, Go Eventing.
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