We come to The Fork because of the timing right before Rolex, to watch the future and hopeful four-star pairs make their last competitive efforts. We come to The Fork because of the wonderful cross country design and courses. We come to The Fork because it’s one of the top shelf competitions on the East Coast, and if you win here, you know you’ve beaten almost everyone in Eventing on this side of the US. However, I’m pretty sure that a big part of why we come to The Fork is because the grass is literally the greenest thing that anybody has ever seen. If you’re coming from down south where it’s all sand and scrub or up north where it’s still brown, there’s nothing like seeing fields and fields of wonderful green luscious grass.
U.S. Weekend Preview:
The Fork H.T. & CIC [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
CDCTA Spring I H.T. [Website] [Entry Status]
Chattahoochee Hills H.T. [Website] [Entry Status]
Spring Bay H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times]
News From Around The Globe:
It’s time to vote for your favorite EN style Rolex ticket art! The winner will receive a T-series helmet from Tipperary, so be sure to get your votes in now. Voting will close on Friday, April 3 at 5 p.m. EST, and we’ll announce the winner in Saturday’s Links post. [Vote for Tipperary Contest Winner]
Successful New Zealand Olympic and World Equestrian Games horse Glengarrick has died at age 29. “Nugget” was seventh individually in the 2004 Athens Olympics at age 18, and then went to the World Equestrian Games in Aachen at the age of 20 and placed seventh individually again. Rider Heelan Tompkins returned him to her home in New Zealand after that to enjoy a long retirement. [RIP Glengarrick]
New technology has allowed the creation of horse shoes with tiny springs inside. Former gymnast and shoe designer Una Ligh-Clee has come up with a shoe for the hind feet that could help show jumpers reach all new heights. Microchip technology recognizes when the pasterns of the horse are flexed prior to jumping and sends out tiny springs on the heels. [Spring Heeled Horse Shoes]
Your horse has a more varied wardrobe than you do. [Signs Your Horse is a Pet]