Thursday Reader from Devoucoux


My Childhood: in a comic

Happy Thursday Eventing Nation! I just realized it’s the middle of August, and got totally freaked out. Where did the summer go??!! I always feel like summer flies past without any notice, and yet again, I have finished the warm months with ghostly pale legs. Do I wear shorts now because I want to gather all the remaining sun rays, or am I too embarrassed by their blinding and reflective qualities? This is a serious case of #horsegirlproblems.

Upcoming Events:

Waredaca Farm HT: [Website] [Entry Status]

Erie Hunt and Saddle Club HT: [Website] [Entry Status]

Full Gallop Farm August HT: [Website] [Entry Status]

The Event at Santa Fe: [Website] [Entry Status]

Great Vista HT: [Website]

Catalpa Corner Charity HT: [Website] [Entry Status]

Penny Oaks HT: [Website] [Entry Status]

A whole load of strange/interesting/funny links:

Eventing Radio Show has a whole bunch of interesting people this week, including two of my favorites, media darling Doug Payne and kick-butt warrior dash girl Lainey Ashker. Boyd makes an appearance and talks a bit more about how Otis is doing. Doug talks about syndicates, and then reminds us all how well rounded he is (he’s a USEF Dressage Judge, a Technical Delegate, has show-jumped up to Grand Prix level and originally planned on being a forensic engineer in the New Jersey State Police Force, duh), and Lainey talks about squeezing every last drop out of a dressage clinic. [Eventing Radio Show, Listen Here]

Obviously, we all know how the Brits kicked our butts in not one, not two, but three equestrian sports in London this summer. What’s their secret, you ask?? Do they have something in the water over there?? No, but they do have an incredible national funding program, which helps riders from all backgrounds get the training, horses and experience they need to be international superstars. Now, if the US had a lottery like this, instead of the tickets you buy at a gas station that are basically taxes on people bad at math….[How the UK Lottery Helped Write Olympic History in London]

My new idol/wonderwoman Susan Oakes from Ireland cleared 5ft 9in in a SIDESADDLE to set the new sidesaddle high jump record. Holy smokes. [Side Saddle High Jump Record Broken]

No hooves, no horse, didn’t your mother ever tell you that? SmartPak knows whats up, because they are offering a free webinar on August 22, mark it down on your calendars. The webinar is all about healthy, strong hooves and it features expert farrier Danvers Child and covers everything from hoof anatomy to trimming and shoeing, hoof growth and maintenance. [SpartPak Healthy Hoof Seminar]

Quick catch up with Caroline Powell coming off her Team Bronze victory with crowd favorite Lenamore, talking about the old man, plans for the future and how it feels to have an Olympic medal hanging around her neck. [Olympic Bronze Returns to Scottish Borders]

Bored at work? You should definitely check out this site, it’s good for a quick giggle or a dozen, and it’s got gifs out the wazoo. [It’s an Equestrian Thing]

You think the faces you make on XC are bad? Think again. [Synchronized Swimming Faces are Terrifyingly Hilarious]

Our friends at Cavalor did more studies on Equine Nutrition (shocking?) after the Olympics, and made a video about it! The video is in Flemish (I think…) but it’s got sub-titles, don’t worry. [Olympic Nutrition by Cavalor]

Bilbo Baggins (the cob stallion) made history recently by pulling a boat 168 miles from Leeds to Liverpool. The journey took Bilbo 5 months to complete, as he steadily pulled a 150 year old horse-drawn canal boat along the way. This link includes a video, to which I comment that I was unaware that people still dressed like that??? [Bilbo Baggins Makes Horse-Drawn Boat History]

A new app for your phone makes it easy to combine your normal calendar with your stable whiteboard. In addition to show planning features, there are fields to fill in all the necessary information about one horse such as vaccination, veterinary and farrier visits. Will you get a Pegasus App? [Planning Pegasus App]


A good compilation of super fit horses acting like idiots at Burghley jogs 2008.


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