Thursday Video: Yasmin Ingham Makes it Happen at Pratoni


It’ll be a long time before we get over those last moments of the World Championships at Pratoni, during which Michael Jung and fischerChipmunk FRH gave us one of equestrian sports most extraordinary plot twists, pulling the final rail and changing the course of the whole week’s competition.

Before that fateful final round, though, in which Michi Jung opened the door for Yaz to become the World Champion, she had to deliver the goods herself — and doing so over Uliano Vezzani’s showjumping course was no easy feat. Just 13 riders would produce clear rounds in the 68 rounds throughout the day, and the technical, dimensionally massive was indiscriminate in who it victimised.

But 25-year-old Yaz and 11-year-old Banzai du Loir? Well, they were about as close to perfect as it gets over a five-star showjumping track. Relive their round now.