Thursday Video: How to Train Your Mustang

As the kind of reformed (sort of) pony girl who grew up with goslings in the sink and free-range rabbits in the hallways, the idea of plucking a mustang off the range and turning it into a riding horse appeals to me in more ways than I can possibly explain. But of course, the process of actually training a mustang isn’t quite that starry-eyed and straightforward, and that’s why I love to live vicariously through the vlogs of someone who actually knows what they’re doing. Elisa Wallace is that person, with an impressive roster of mustangs to her credit and a real passion for the process. Her latest instalment sees her take her first ride on Alodar the mustang, with loads of interesting insight into how she prepares him in order to minimise stress and maximise learning. I can’t promise I’ve given up on my dreams of the open range, but I do feel a little bit more educated about how I might go about nabbing myself a ‘stang now.