Given, the “Hunger Games” cornucopia is wicked cool, but the ones Robert Yates made for a British cross country course look way more fun. Yates specializes in weaving reeds around metal frames to make, among other things, Venetian gondolas and African-style villages you jump in and out of for events like Badminton, Burghley and Bramham. See more at Brampton Willows. Who said majoring in basket weaving was a dead end?
Events opening soon: Ocala Horse Properties Winter I H.T. (Florida, A-3)
Tail thieves strike again in Indiana. Indy cops are investigating a series of incidents involving hair cut from horses’ manes and tail – not by their owners. The Horse reports that horse hair can retail from $40 to $200 a pound for horse hair extensions, jewelry and musical instruments. My former mustang, Vinnie Barbarino, orneriest and smartest little horse in the world who broke every piece of tack, fencing and all my toes, was a victim of similar crime spree here in Colorado a few years ago. When I told my trainer about it she offered one word: “karma.” [thehorse]
“Don’t puke at C.” The Chronicle features a funny collections of readers’ favorite sayings from their trainers, including “No twerking.” [COTH]
Get Wiser about your horses’ supplements. Not a DVM, but still want add exactly the right critical goodies to your horse’s nutrition? No prob. Kentucky Performances Products just launched a new line of supps called Wiser Concepts Nutritional Supplements, available only through vets. Work with your vet to find the ideal supplements for your horse’s unique needs. Check it out:
Double check your gate latches. A Utah woman was killed over the weekend as she was trying to catch her horses who’d escaped from her property and was hit by a car. The horses were unharmed. [KSL]
Drive by shooting kills Amish buggy horse. Drive -bys in Amish Country? Honestly, what’s the world coming to? A horse pulling five passengers in a buggy in rural Lancaster County was shot by someone as they drove by in a car. []
Smartpak Product of the Day: This winter, limit the times you land on your butt to genuine falls off your horse. The new, Pajar Ice Gripper Boots are the Wheelies of winter. These toasty, water-proof, wool lined winter boots have a hinged ice gripper that you can flip out when you’re navigating across icy areas and flip back when you’re on solid ground. Brilliant! Hopefully, they’ll make them for horse shoes next, so you can simply flip out studs when you need them.
Video of the Day: As you enjoy this one, check out the dog, who seems to think doing these things with horses or people, is kind of weird.