I’m in an all-out Burghley mood today, which means I’ve spent more time than I’d like to admit digging through videos from past years. One of my favorite videos is always a voiceover helmet cam, in which the rider talks us through their round. This time, we’ve got the additional layer of SAP data added to the viewer’s screen, which shows the speed, position, minute marker, and other points of reference throughout.
For this go-round, we’ll revisit the 2018 running of Burghley, which would eventually be won by New Zealand’s Tim Price and Ringwood Sky Boy.
“It’s always been a dream to do Burghley, ever since watching Andrew, Toddy, Blyth and those guys,” Tim said on that big weekend. “We got inspired as youngsters, watching it on the television. To be doing it is unbelievable — beyond my wildest dreams. It’s everything, isn’t it — it’s Burghley! I like to think of myself as a very natural rider; a horseman who’s just going through the motions of the competition. That’s my background — I work with young horses from the bottom on up, and I just look at Burghley as a place that exemplifies all of that. So to come here and to win it is pretty cool. It’s going to take a while to sink in. It’s amazing — amazing.”