In honor of Rolex this year, we challenged you to Pay It Forward to a person who has had an influence on your riding career, whether it be big or small. You all turned in some really great, inspirational nominations, and it was very difficult for us to narrow the field down.
Enter to win a pair of Medici Tall Boots from Tredstep Ireland!
We’ve selected five finalists from the entries on Instagram, and now it’s time for you to vote! Check out the stories below and then vote for your favorite Instagram user’s name in our poll. The poll will close on Wednesday at 5 p.m. EST and we will update this post with the winner’s information.
Good luck to all, and thanks for playing!
Take Our Poll
1. @ajequestrian
I nominate Bonnie Mosser as my #TredstepPayItForward person! She is my inspiration, coach, and dear friend. Her work ethic, attention to detail, observation skills, teaching abilities, and knowledge are to be admired. Anyone who has worked with her has walked away better in someway– whether as a competitor, student, coach, or auditor. I have watched her transform from an intense competitor in the sport of Eventing, to a coach and instructor at her home base-producing horse and rider combinations to watch and appreciate. She brings years of experience and knowledge to the table, as well as an open mind for adapting to change- whether in the sport or with a specific horse/rider. I have learned valuable lessons from Bonnie, not only with horses but also in life. She defines Eventer and Equestrian, and I’d love to pay it forward!
A post shared by Annie Johnson (@ajequestrian) on Apr 26, 2017 at 12:12pm PDT
2. @darkhorse3211
3. @knight.eventing
I’m nominating my dad, Mark Knight for #tredsteppayitforward ❤ My dad is the most inspirational and helpful person in my equestrian life. From coming to my first walk-trot crossrail show to buying our first horse to competing himself to coaching me, my dad has been through it all! Through multiple trainers and barns, some great, some not-so-great. Through so many of the best horses, all our crazy OTTBs (and WB!). Through all the drama and craziness. Through the early mornings and late nights, he’s been there for me through it *all* There’s no one I’d trust more with my training. He knows when to let my “real” trainers take over and when to support me and offer advice. He’s also a fantastic rider. From trail rides on vacations to his first Training level show on a previous OTTB, Magic (top), to his first home show with our first and current horse, Beau (bottom), my dad knows how to ride! He is the perfect nomination for the Tredstep Pay It Forward challenge, because he is such an inspiration and has helped me through so much! (Props for reading all of this!)
A post shared by Ask For F4F ❤ (@knight.eventing) on Apr 26, 2017 at 9:22am PDT
4. @sagartland
5. @xbetterbesocialx