One of the unsung moments of Rolex weekend is the annual 5k that is held on Friday night. Literally thousands of people decide that they’d like to have a nice light run on the same weekend they trek back and forth multiple times over a four-star cross country course. My Facebook feed was filled with photos of people smiling, running and generally having a good time at what has become a treasured addition to Rolex weekend.
In other news, Badminton begins today with the first horse inspection at 4:30 p.m. BST/11:30 a.m. EST. You can watch live thanks to the free live stream on the Badminton website!
Badminton Links: Website, Entries, Schedule, Course Preview, EN’s Coverage, Live Stream, EN’s Twitter, EN’s Instagram
U.S. Weekend Preview:
MCTA H.T. [Website] [Entry Status/Ride Times/Live Results]
Heart of the Carolinas 3DE & H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Live Scores]
Poplar Place H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Penny Oaks H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
The Event at Skyline H.T. [Entry Status/Ride Times/Live Scores]
Your Wednesday News & Notes:
Lynn Symansky has learned the Plan A, B, or C don’t always last past the first engagement. After missing out on heading to Badminton last spring, then surviving multiple plan disruptions this spring, Lynn has decided to stop answering the question “How’s Donner?” Now that they are finally in England, Badminton is finally becoming a reality. [Ready to Check Badminton Off My Bucket List]
Speaking of Rolex hangover, here’s some hair of the dog to take off the edge. The gents from EquiRatings sit down with our very own Jenni Autry as part of the Horseware Eventing Podcast to review the week we just had at Rolex. If you haven’t been tuning in on the regular to listen to their insight, it’s a good time to start. [The Rolex Review]
SmartPak Product of the Day: It was so buggy last Saturday that even my thick skinned boy was having trouble with concentrating despite a liberal coating of fly spray. That made me realize I had to dig my fly masks out of the trailer. I love these Cashel masks; they are super durable and come in every configuration. The older horse who runs super hot but has a white nose prone to sunburn gets the mask with no ears but a nice nose cover while the young one hates bugs in his ears but doesn’t mind his nose being uncovered. Custom configurations for the win! [SmartPak]