“Lack of diversity – it’s often seen as an anomaly, rather than a product of systematic racism.”
Thus begins this fascinating short documentary on teenage show jumper Zoie Brogdon, who isn’t just wise well beyond her years — she’s also making a real name for herself in the West Coast show scene. Now 17, she began riding with L.A.’s. Compton Jr. Equestrians, the youth-oriented sideline of the famous Compton Cowboys, before beginning to train more intensively with Olympian Will Simpson. She’s taken individual gold in the USHJA Zone Team Jumper Championships, was Reserve Champion in the USHJA National Championships, and was named the 2021 Horse of the Year Champion — and she’s not done yet. Get to know her in this fascinating video, and get inspired.
Simply put, horses need energy.
Energy is traditionally supplied by cereal grains such as oats, corn, and barley. These feedstuffs deliver energy as carbohydrates or starch. But what if you want to supply more energy to your horse without increasing the feed intake? Feeding a fat supplement is an excellent way to achieve this.
Fat is considered a source of “calm” energy and is thought to modify behavior in some horses, making them more tractable. This, in turn, allows horses to focus their energy on work rather than nervousness.
Learn more at https://kppusa.com/2017/10/20/high-energy-advantages/
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