Weekend Instagram Roundup: Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner
Crayon-hued ribbons were fluttering in the breeze at events around the country this weekend. This week we’re rounding up your proudest post-event pics!
Rocking Horse Winter III H.T. [Website ] Results ]
Sporting Days H.T. [Website ] [ Results ]
Twin Rivers Winter H.T. [Website ] [ Results ]
Overwhelmed, amazed, excited, and proud. Those are the four words I would have to say about the weekend. Not only did he start off in first on a score of 25, but he showed me that age is just a number. I’ve been told that Peter isn’t good at dressage and that I should just be there to jump. I told myself that we could probably never do well in dressage, but he honestly proved me so wrong. Never once have I been able to learn on a horse, it’s always me teaching. I love him more than words can explain, and I can’t believe his abilities. We continue to learn from each other and our mistakes. I still can’t grasp that he won dressage on a 25 and held it. Stadium was incredible. I hate stadium, if you don’t already know, but we are learning together. We came a second under the time allowed with no rails… he hardly touched anything. Out of the three double clear rounds in the jr. training, Peter happened to be one of them. He never missed a beat on cross country, and thanks to the @ecogold saddle pad, he was hardly sweating. I’m not only thrilled that we had a clean round, but we learned to work as a team and as one. Overwhelmed with what Peter showed me this weekend and how he gave me the best time of my life. Thank you to my parents and of course my sisters for supporting me and believing in me from the start. Thank you to my coaches and the wonderful owner of Peter @runnjmpd I hope we made you proud. Thank you @ecogold @grand_meadows @profchoice @kerritseq @charlesowenhelmets @thinlinellc @ariatequestrian and @pointtwousa you always keep my boy and I looking our best. Till next time twin rivers! #nvrpeterthegreat #proud #thegreatest #prelimspeed #firstplace #team #finallylearneddressage #inlove
A post shared by Hailey Johnson (@hailey_eventer) on Mar 5, 2017 at 3:37pm PST
Go Eventing!